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Confesercenti Bologna: “BO-NOIR, the black living room of Bologna”

Confesercenti Bologna: “BO-NOIR, the black living room of Bologna”
Confesercenti Bologna: “BO-NOIR, the black living room of Bologna”

Privacy information pursuant to European Regulation no. 679 of 05/25/2016 (GDPR).

We inform you that: CONFESERCENTI NAZIONALE, with registered office in Via Nazionale 60, 00184 Rome, in the person of its legal representative, in the capacity of Data controllerprocesses your personal data, with hand and electronic toolsfor the following purpose: a) to allow you to navigate and explore the website; b) to respond to information requests sent by you through the form on line.

The provision of data processed for the aforementioned purposes is mandatory as it is necessary for browsing the site and to process your request and does not require your specific consent.

Your personal data will be preserved for the time strictly necessary to achieve the indicated purposes and in any case for a period not exceeding 30 days from the provision.

Scope of diffusion: Your data may be sent to the recipients or categories of recipients listed below: Technicians or companies in the IT sector, responsible for maintaining the site.
Your Data may be sent to subjects whom the Data Controller may use to carry out activities necessary to achieve the purposes indicated above, who have been specifically appointed by the latter as Data Processors.

The following are recognized rights: right of access to personal data concerning you; to know the purposes and methods of the processing; to know the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated; right to obtain the updating, rectification, integration, deletion of data; right to obtain the limitation of processing; right to portability of data collected with your consent and processed using electronic tools; right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority.

The exercise of rights can be exercised by writing to the following email addresses: [email protected] .

Finally, the Data Controller intends to inform you that it has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO)to whom you can contact for all questions relating to data processing and the exercise of your rights, and who you can contact at the following dedicated email address: [email protected]

Please refer to the full information on the processing of personal data visible at the link the information on the processing of personal data

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