Train conductor attacked on Lecce-Rome train: the complaint

Train conductor attacked on Lecce-Rome train: the complaint
Train conductor attacked on Lecce-Rome train: the complaint

LECCE – «Yesterday 30 June on train 8314 Lecce-Rome, due to repeated failures in the air conditioning of the rolling stock, a fellow on-board staff on duty on the train was verbally attacked several times by some travellers, exasperated by the situation created, who led the colleague to faint and ask for the intervention of 118 and the Polfer at the Benevento station”. This was reported by the unions Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti Uil, Ugl Ferrovieri, SLM Fast Confsal, Or.SA Ferrovie.

«Only a few days ago – they add – the Apulian railway staff were victims of another attack. The regional trade union organizations express solidarity and closeness to the worker and to all workers who have been victims of such physical and/or verbal attacks. Corporate organizational inefficiencies must not fall on workers and users. For a long time we have been asking to initiate discussions at all levels to re-establish an organizational chain worthy of the Fsi Group and above all a security system that intervenes promptly to protect workers in cases of deterioration of railway traffic. In his absence we will be ready to initiate any action to protect the rights of safeguarding the safety of workers provided for by the laws in force”.

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