Livorno, the lawyer Dinelli remains out of the council for a debt to the treasury Il Tirreno

Livorno, the lawyer Dinelli remains out of the council for a debt to the treasury Il Tirreno
Livorno, the lawyer Dinelli remains out of the council for a debt to the treasury Il Tirreno

LIVORNO Andrea Dinelli, elected on the Guarducci list for the centre-right, was unable to sit on the benches of the council chamber and assume the role for which he was elected at the time of the installation of the city council today (Monday 1 July).

Arriving at the Town Hall to greet everyone before the start of the session, he left the council chamber at the start of the work. This is because, as per the note from the general secretariat, it was not possible to proceed with the validation of the charge due to a technical-bureaucratic problem, which can be resolved within the next 10 days as required by law.

What is it about? What the secretary general has defined as a technical-bureaucratic problem is in reality a debt that the lawyer has towards the treasury and that has not been paid by the beginning of the first council, making it impossible to validate his election.

Dinelli himself explained to Tirreno that “it is a fine for an infringement of the highway code which was never notified to me and which I only became aware of in the last few hours”. Guaranteeing that “I will pay the amount due tomorrow morning” , Tuesday 2 July.

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