Modica, great celebration for the patron Saint Peter the Apostle

Modica, great celebration for the patron Saint Peter the Apostle
Modica, great celebration for the patron Saint Peter the Apostle

A very popular procession. With numerous faithful and devotees as a backdrop. And with the great enthusiasm of the people of Modica expressed, once again, towards the patron saint. Saturday evening the highlight of the feast of St. Peter the Apostle with the artistic simulacrum, the one depicting the saint with the paralytic, a work by Civitelli, who emerged from the Mother Church and was greeted by the jubilation of hundreds of people who thus wanted to underline their attention towards a religious event that belongs to the sense of community of the entire city of Modica.

The relic was also in procession. There was a very large presence, almost as if to highlight the great attention towards a presence, that of the Patron, full of meaning for the local community of the city.

The procession along Corso Umberto, held after the solemn Eucharistic celebration presided over by Msgr. Salvatore Rumeo, bishop of the diocese of Noto, was accompanied by the Modica Philharmonic civic band. At midnight, then, the fireworks by the award-winning company F.lli Chiarenza.

In the morning, moreover, there had been another particular ceremony, the mass for the city which, presided over by the parish priest, the priest Giuseppe Stella, had seen the delivery of the votive candle and the signing of the deed of commitment by the mayor and the parish priest, with the presence of the other members of the municipal administration, the representatives of the municipal council, the military authorities, the representatives of the local associations and social associations who, before the mass, had moved in procession from the municipal building, accompanied also in this case from the civic philharmonic, until reaching the Mother Church.

“A lot of people took part on Saturday evening – say Gianluca Manenti, provincial president of Confcommercio Ragusa and Giorgio Moncada, sectional president of Confcommercio Pozzallo, who supported the communication of the events forming part of the calendar of celebrations – in the procession in honor of Saint Peter to signify that the attention towards this religious figure is always very high on the part of the people of Modica, as it represents their history and identity. One more reason to aim for a future that will hopefully be even fuller of enthusiasm.”

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