Sanremo, at the Literary Tuesdays Homage to Farfa –

Sanremo, at the Literary Tuesdays Homage to Farfa –
Sanremo, at the Literary Tuesdays Homage to Farfa –

The summer review of Literary Tuesdays opens tomorrow Tuesday 2 July at 9.00pm in the Opera Theater with the tribute to Vittorio Osvaldo Tommasini on the sixtieth anniversary of his death which occurred in Sanremo. The volume is presented in collaboration with the Accademia della Pigna “Farfa in Sanremo” (The Studiolo). Contributions by Stefania Stefanelli, Fabio Barricalla, Freddy Colt, Marco Innocenti. Free admission.

The volume, edited by Freddy Colt, is the result of cooperation between the Accademia della Pigna and the Chair of ‘Pataphysics, the Pata Foundation and Lo Studiolo Editore. It contains rediscovered materials by Vittorio Osvaldo Tommasini. Futurist and Pataphysician, which also highlight the privileged relationship between Farfa and the city of Sanremo.

The introductory notes give us the Farfa that emerges from the correspondence that Silvia Bottaro recounts, “about forty letters, notes, postcards, newspaper clippings written by Farfa and his wife – Giulia Romagnoli – to a neighbor when they lived in Savona, a custom later followed in Sanremo…”

A glimpse of daily life, in the house with the sun-flooded garden where for him life flows peacefully cheered, at a certain point, also by the only Rai interview that he accepts and which will cement “his pride as a man and artist”

THE “National Futurist Record Poet” as named by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti shines again in a work that rediscovers the measure of an expressive genius originally transmitted in handwritten pages and images, where color and the joy of making art dominate.

The next appointment with Literary Tuesdays is on Thursday 11 July at 9pm in the Opera Theatre the Hon. Riccardo Nencini, president of the Viesseux Reading Laboratory in Florence illustra the novel “Every love story has an end” has its national premiere (Mondadori) by Aura Cenni and Lorenzo Donati. This is a work destined to become a literary case.

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