Campaign against illegal refueling of LPG gas tanks

Campaign against illegal refueling of LPG gas tanks
Campaign against illegal refueling of LPG gas tanks

The majority of homes in the area are equipped with an LPG gas tank. Not all of them, however, are installed correctly. It is important to ask yourself some questions: Is the installation correct? Are all the legal documents relating to the system present? Do I know what these documents are?

The first step is raising public awareness against it illegal activity of supplies in LPG gas tanks. To comply with the law, the system must:

  • Be installed respecting the safety distances from buildings
  • Be new for LPG use and complete with a valid declaration of conformity
  • Have a safety valve with a valid biennial test

Furthermore, at the documentation level, the following are needed:

Reporting the installation of the tank to the competent authorities

The declaration of correct installation of the LPG tank issued by the installing company

The declaration of conformity L.37/08 gas supply line (issued by the company carrying out the system)

2 portable powder fire extinguishers complete with declaration of conformity and valid for six months

In conclusion the system must have the fire prevention certificate issued by the Fire Brigade command before carrying out the first LPG refueling, valid for 5 years.

It is mandatory to have these documents on file: if they are not present, you need to ask yourself whether the tank is installed in accordance with the law. If the tank does not comply with the legal requirements, the insurance does not compensate for damages in the event of an accident and furthermore, a crime is committed if there are illegal supplies of LPG (with fines of up to 50,000 euros for customers who authorize refueling by parties other than the owner company) or if the user is not in compliance (you risk imprisonment for up to three years).

It is essential and necessary to rely only and exclusively on competent companies that legally practice the profession, since they are the only ones that provide the documentation in accordance with the law as well as the only ones authorized to refuel the tank.

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