Catanzaro, Stefania Mancuso is the new president of the Academy of Fine Arts (VIDEO)

Mancuso and Piccari

July 01, 2024 1:16 pm


Change at the top of the Academy of Fine Arts of Catanzaro: the new president of the Board of Directors of the Academy was presented to the press this morning at the Academy’s headquarters in Via Tommaso Campanella, Stefania Mancusofor the next three years.

The professor of Ancient Contemporary Studies at the Iulm in Milan has just been appointed by the Ministry of University and Research and will take the place of the outgoing Aldo Costa.

On the sidelines of the meeting, the Director of the Academy Virgilio Piccari declares: “My hopes have always been and continue to be positive, in the name of the value of our education and culture. Today I am particularly grateful to our Minister for having intended to assign to this extraordinary role Professor Stefania Mancuso, a person of profound culture and great responsibility in education. I am convinced that this new collaboration will bring new products, new perfumes, as our institution has always tried to communicate to the outside world”.


“The idea – continues the Director – is to synergistically create even more contacts and connections. There are many institutions belonging to our sector, including conservatives. It is our duty to offer students the opportunity to train and imagine a future that they can develop in their local area.”

“I am happy with this role – states the new President Mancuso – which gives me great responsibility for the next three years. My commitment will be consistent to ensure that the lines already defined by the management can take hold with respect to the new designs that we are going to create. Certainly today training in Italy needs two important elements. On the one hand, it must be attractive, because we increasingly see from statistical data students who do not continue their studies, and this is a problem.”

And he underlines: “Making the training offer attractive for an area like Calabria is one of the objectives we set ourselves. The second objective is to continue to maintain the great notoriety that this Academy has had since its foundation, positioning it at a regional, national and international level. This is a challenge that is imposed today due to the mobility dynamics of students and teachers, and therefore I believe that we should work a lot on this aspect to carry out all the projects that can create attractive systems, because especially in our region we need to overcome those problems that always see us last in the national rankings. We must also try to implement training strategies that can retain students here in Calabria, to avoid the training migration that characterizes our territory”.

“We will continue in the direction started by Director Piccari, creating synergies with the other regional academies. Everything that has been started will continue to be completed, hopefully in this three-year period, and other initiatives will be added. Whoever takes up a position – he concludes – inherits progress and consolidates it in his activity. So we will absolutely continue to implement everything that the director has already defined and, perhaps, we will also implement new activities and new projects”.

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