Palmi, Local Police at First Aid and Resuscitation School

The city of Palmi was among the first in Italy to present a public defibrillation project;
“Palmi Cardiprotetta” project was presented in 2018 at the Salone Pio
project, Dr Rosario Ortusofounding member of the “Amici del Cuore Onlus” association,
operating for years in the social-healthcare sector, always active with the aim of
raise awareness among citizens on the topic of prevention. The project “Palms Cardioprotected” ha
the installation is planned in 20 points of the city, 3 of which between Taureana, Tonnara and Pietrenere, of
semi-automatic defibrillators, simple to use; the tools are found inside totems and,
Once removed from the totem, they are immediately ready for use.

In this context, on
request of the Mayor, lawyer Joseph Ranuccioall nine newly hired officers of the Local Police of
Palmi already present on the streets of Palmi to protect road and city safety, have
attended the theoretical and practical lessons today, held with great professionalism by Dr. Giovanni
Calogero of the ASP of Reggio Calabria and responsible for the training courses for resuscitation
cardiopulmonary with use of defibrillator. They tested the interventions, the maneuvers, the
behaviors that lay personnel can implement and the equipment they must use in cases of

The aim of the course was to enable road workers to acquire a
specific practical intervention skills through the teaching of the main techniques
communication with the emergency system, of the main first aid techniques in
acute cerebral syndromes, of the main first aid techniques in the insufficiency syndrome
acute respiratory disease as well as the main cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques.

The course wants
bring the Local Police ever closer to the people and to serving the community. Everyday
a patrol from the Palmi Command will have with them, in the area, a semi-automatic defibrillator
last generation. This will guarantee, in emergency cases, immediate intervention in order to
carry out the first resuscitation maneuvers while waiting for healthcare personnel. Administration
The Municipality of Palmi has also arranged for the granting of a financial contribution to the “Amici del
Cuore Onlus” so that it can continue to support the project.

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