Tajani for the G7 leaves a message on the Mediterranean

Tajani for the G7 leaves a message on the Mediterranean
Tajani for the G7 leaves a message on the Mediterranean

The Vice President of the Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Antonio Tajani he recalled how “25% of global merchant traffic passes through the Mediterranean every day, with Italy in a privileged position as a natural connection platform between the countries of the basin and a gateway to the markets of central-northern Europe”.

Tajani released this statement in a message sent to President of the Genoese Maritime Agents, Paolo Pessinaon the sidelines of the conference on the “Restless Seas” organised in Genoa, recalling his personal commitment in Brussels on the dossier of Highways of the sea.

“The Government – ​​Tajani states in his message – is strongly committed to accompanying this natural vocation of our country with a decisive strategy to strengthen connectivity – one of the central areas on the agenda of the Italian Presidency of the G7 – in the sectors ofenergyof the digital and of logistics”.

The Indo-Mediterranean Corridor

The reference “is in particular to the great project of Indo-Mediterranean economic-logistical corridorwhich we were among the first countries to join and which will further strengthen the comparative advantages of our port system, with direct positive repercussions on the industrial supply chain of their hinterland and on the entire economy” – specifies the Vice President Tajani, who he recalled how the effective functioning of our production system, our competitiveness on international markets, depend significantly on the fluxuries of goods by sea, which represent approximately 40% of our import-export trade with the rest of the world.

“Il support for operators in the maritime economy is therefore central in the intense action of growth diplomacy that he has initiated since the beginning of his mandate, to support exports and encourage the internationalization of businesses and our territories”.

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The Centrality of the Mediterranean Region in Global Trade

“The Government is working – underlines Tajani – to provide a concrete response to the needs of companies in the sector, in the face of increasingly complex geopolitical scenarios. I am thinking first of all of our decisive role in pushing at a European level for the launch of the defensive operation Aspides in the Red Sea, until a few days ago under Italian tactical command and which has watched over the safety of over 170 merchant ships in these first four months of activity. I am thinking of the coordination table that I brought together at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to monitor, together with sector associations and businesses, the implications of that crisis on our economy”.

And precisely “to affirm the centrality of the Mediterranean region in global trade I wanted to organize in Reggio Calabria the meeting of G7 Trade Ministers which I will host on behalf of the Government on 16-17 July. A strong message for the other major liberal economies of the world and our EU partners, which we will be able to make even more effective thanks to teamwork between institutions and the private sector that supports the Government in its action to protect the interests of our citizens and our businesses in all international contexts, starting with the European Union” – concludes Tajani.

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