The Campiello Prize finalists stop in Bisceglie for Books in the Ancient Village

The Campiello Prize finalists stop in Bisceglie for Books in the Ancient Village
The Campiello Prize finalists stop in Bisceglie for Books in the Ancient Village

The summer tour of meetings with the Campiello Prize Finalists stops in Bisceglie for an event organized by Books in the Ancient Village. Wednesday 10 July, at 8pmthe Bisceglie literary festival will welcome in Largo Castello the finalist authors of the 62nd edition of the contemporary narrative competition promoted by the Il Campiello Foundation – Confindustria Veneto, one of the most prestigious literary awards in Italy.

The public of readers and enthusiasts will thus be able to learn about and delve deeper into the works of the five writers selected last May in Padua: Antonio Franchini with “The fire that I carry inside” (Marsilio), Federica Manzon with “Alma” (Giangiacomo Feltrinelli), Michele Mari with “Desperate Place” (Giulio Einaudi editor), Vanni Santoni with “It’s spreading everywhere” (Laterza), Emanuel Trevi with “La casa del Mago” (Ponte alle Grazie).

Five novels that represent the best of contemporary fiction, as well as an invitation to question the present and the future that we wish to build as a community. The finalist authors, in fact, with their stories, investigate the many nuances of the human soul, the contradictions of the time in which we live, the expectations and hopes that unite us.

The event will be moderated by journalist Annamaria Minunno and enriched by readings by actor Mauro Racanati. Entrance is free with seat reservation via the link:

The Bisceglie stage of the tour of the Campiello Prize finalists is organized in collaboration with the Il Campiello Foundation and Confindustria Bari-Bat and with the patronage of the Municipality of Bisceglie. Thanks also to the Vecchie Segherie Mastrototaro.

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