Corrado Di Taranto new DG. But it starts off uphill straight away

Corrado Of Taranto

© photo at Cesena FC

Corrado Of Taranto is the new General Director of Cesena: now it is official, with the press release from the Juventus club. It will be presented tomorrow at 12 at the stadium.

Let’s take a step back. Precisely on the day in which the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, on a state trip, thundered against fake news, a true masterpiece in terms of hoaxes was produced in Cesena: the banner against Fabio Arctic. “Fabrizio Castori now! Arctic wake up” read the (bad) photomontage, created by modifying with a banal graphics program the one made during the super cup for Toscano by some fan (not from the Curva Mare). The fake banner was also taken up on the web with the words “Artico sveglia” clearly visible at the beginning of the title. The article was removed after some time, but by then it had already gone viral on social media like Facebook and Whatsapp.

Previous. It is not the first time that Fabio Artico has been attacked head-on with real fake news, so much so that the sports director himself had spoken about it in his interview at the beginning of 2024 with TuttoCesena (here is the link to reread each accusation in detail). Then we could talk about the D’Aversa affair, with the attempt to point the finger at the ds, when we know very well that “professionals” behave like this.

In short, in just twelve months there are many hoaxes about Artico: why? Who benefits from attacking, discrediting and even denigrating the only Juventus manager capable of keeping the bar straight in the very important ride towards Serie B, with a coach in perpetual paranoia and an absent presidency? Until today’s arrival of Di Tarando in the role of general manager, Artico was the only brake on the power vacuum. And with the Cesena offices that seem to hide a sort of War of the Roses that only Artico, with his pax romana, has been able to quell.

Moral of the story: Arctic alone was no longer enoughhe could not do everything alone, think of everything, fight internal and external enemies. With the presidency often busy elsewhere, a general director was needed as soon as possible who was an ally of the DS, who would support him and divide his tasks. For this reason, fundamentally, the new general director Corrado Di Taranto was hired. Now it will be up to him to ensure that similar episodes do not happen again.

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