“Tutto Bici” Trains: Verona at the forefront for cyclist travellers

“Tutto Bici” Trains: Verona at the forefront for cyclist travellers
“Tutto Bici” Trains: Verona at the forefront for cyclist travellers

Con 6,240 bike spaces available every day in Veneto, equal to a quarter of Trenitalia’s total offer, 896 of which on one of the lines most frequented by cyclists, the Bologna – Verona -Trento – Bolzano – Brennero, the “All bike” service it proves to be an effective initiative to fully achieve one of the objectives that the Region has set itself: the promotion of cycle tourism and slow, green and intermodal mobility.

Cyclists can, in fact, get on the train with your two-wheeler and reach one of the stations close to the cycle/pedestrian paths that connect Emilia-Romagna to Veneto and Trentino-Alto Adige, such as the Ciclovia del Sole. One year after the initiative was launched, the bike supplements sold have increased by 45 percent, with a fleet that can be defined as 95 percent bike-friendly.

A service increasingly requested and used by two-wheel lovers, who can thus enjoy the scenic and cultural beauties while practicing outdoor sports, with an eye to physical well-being but also to environmental protection.

“Tutto Bici” Trains: Verona and Veneto on the Front Line

This was said today in Verona, on platform 1 of the Verona Porta Nuova railway station, by the Vice President of the Veneto Region and Councilor for Infrastructure and Transport, Elisa De Berti, on the occasion of the presentation of the Trenitalia service dedicated to cyclists, Tutto Bici, on the Bologna – Verona -Trento – Bolzano – Brenner line, one year after the launch of the initiative.

Also present were the Director of the Veneto Regional Directorate of Trenitalia, Ivan Aggazio, the Councilor for Mobility of the Municipality of Verona, Tommaso Ferrari, and Corrado Marastoni of Fiab Verona.

“Since the launch of the new “Tutto Bici” trains, there have been 8 thousand travelers per day in the summer of 2023, with peaks of up to 9 thousand on weekends – specified Vice President De Berti -. Every day there are 896 dedicated bike spaces in the vehicle, 64 per train, and 6720 seats. 14 daily connections are available on the Bologna-Brennero route, with 7 trains on the Brennero-Bologna route, 4 on the Brennero-Verona route and 3 on the Bolzano-Bologna route. A sustainable mobility service that is increasingly attractive for all those tourists who choose to discover the beauty of the Veneto on two wheels”.

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