We are the Municipality! Taranto workers raise their voices

We are the Municipality! Taranto workers raise their voices
We are the Municipality! Taranto workers raise their voices

FP Cgil, Cisl FP and Uil FPL: participatory meeting full of food for thought

TARANTO – The general assembly of the workers of the Municipality of Taranto, called by FP Cgil, Cisl FP and Uil FPL, was held in the representative hall of the Province of Taranto, dignity at work and valorisation of staff, the crucial themes of the meeting .
The Trade Unions they state in a note sent to the editorial staff that “in recent years we can only point out that the Melucci administration has not recognized the crucial importance of the dignity of work and the valorisation of its staff, we are aware that the quality of the services offered to citizens is closely linked to the motivation and satisfaction of municipal employees.” Dignity at work represents a fundamental principle, based on respect, justice and the valorisation of the skills of each individual. The development of staff is essential for achieving the objectives of the municipality and for the well-being of the community, the trade unions continue.

Enhancement takes the form of: continuous training, recognition of merit, career paths and active participation, elements that have been missing in recent years, as well as significant delays in staff productivity. During the debate, which was very heated for a few moments, the educational sector was discussed, which is in full dispute with the Melucci administration regarding the school calendar and the quality of services offered to families. Also highlighted was the poor communication regarding the move of the municipal attorney’s office from via Lazio to Palazzo Latagliata as well as the logistical fragmentation of the Social Services.
This morning FP Cgil, Cisl FP and Uil FPL proclaimed a state of agitation and warned the administration to convene USB or any other trade union organization that should arrogate a right not conferred on them by the employees. Always with a view to comparison, the Trade Unions. ask to be heard in order to resolve the problems highlighted during the meeting, in carrying out the conflict cooling procedure within the deadline established by current legislation, after which the undersigned reserves the right to involve the Prefect and to call further forms of mobilization in compliance with the notice periods.

Numerous critical issues of a contractual nature have been highlighted, as well as the inefficiency of the administrative machine and the daily difficulty of maintaining the quality level of the services provided to the Citizen. Therefore, at the meeting, it was stigmatized on:

  • Violation of the system of industrial relations, as regulated by the CCNL 2019/2021
  • Failure to enhance staff through vertical progressions that affect all areas of the new classification system
  • Failure to respect work dignity
  • Failure to deliver performance on time
  • Lack of compliance with all workplace safety regulations
  • Lack of sectoral professional training of staff
  • Failure to revisit all regulations
  • Lack of rules in regulating absences/presences, in consideration of the lack of negotiation, foreseen by the 2019/2021 CCNL, of some points
  • Failure to activate the time bank and change the time flexibility
  • The mobility of internal methods is often not in line with the professional profile
  • Failure to recognize compensation for holidays not taken by employees who transitioned to a different professional profile through competitions
  • Failure to recognize incentives to personnel involved in the recovery of tax evasion

The assembly also, after having developed a lively and constructive discussion, asked the Mayor to proceed to address all the issues highlighted, and proclaimed a state of agitation, with the invitation to the trade unions CGIL-FP, CISL -FP and UIL-FPL to activate any incisive protest actions if correct union relations are not activated.

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