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The hidden dangers of rivers in Emilia Romagna, advice from the expert

Modena, 1 July 2024 – The river is certainly beautiful to observe but for those who decide to dive it can unfortunately turn into a deadly trap: never underestimate the risks.

To explain what the dangers (and many) of the river is Gianluca Ugolettihead of the river safety team The Nutria of the Provincial coordination of Modena.

Gianluca Ugoletti, head of the Le Nutrie river safety team of the provincial coordination of Modena: his advice for experiencing the river without risks

The river and the ‘roller’

“Il river has an infinity of dangers: the most deadly, where he probably fell victim the last guy that they are looking for in the Reggio Emilia area is the ‘roller‘ which forms near the artificial waterfalls. It is also formed with very little water but it is very powerful: it creates a sort of vortex and once you are dragged in you cannot get out unless you die. There is in almost all rivers: that’s why you shouldn’t enter. Only if there is dirt inside is it ‘annihilated’ but in 90 percent of cases it is present and very dangerous”.

The meeting with the Islamic community

“On Saturday we went to the Islamic community of Modenaas a municipal group because it represents one of the communities that frequents the river the most and we have tried to raise awareness among this type of user, – says Ugoletti – because they do not have territorial knowledge and historical memory. We who have frequented the rivers for centuries – our grandparents went there, we know that these phenomena are created – and we are trying to export this awareness meeting in all communities”.

That terrible death in Secchia

“Last year is a boy died in Secchia and his parents were present: the meeting was strongly desired by the community and probably in September we will explain the good practices of civil protection also to the other Islamic communities present in the city”, continues Ugoletti.

The temperature difference between body and water

Another important risk is “the stemperature jump among ours body el’water which is now very cold, because it rained in the mountains. On the way to the plain it doesn’t have time to warm up and if it goes well it’s around ten degrees and we arrive from 38 outside and it’s fatal: you get dragged by the currents. The phenomenon is called hydrocution: thermal shock reaction that empties the lungs, dries them out and you also lose the power of buoyancy and tend to sink”, warns the expert.

The whirlpool: where and risks

Then there’s the whirlpool: another danger that can be from siphoning, in man-made structures but there are also natural whirlpools that appear especially near the bridgesfive – six meters after the pylon and they can easily drag a man if he falls into the water”, continues Ugoletti.

The sands

Then there is the problem of sand – continues Ugoletti – especially during floods which transport an enormous quantity of sand, mud and other debris. These sands settle at the bottom, transforming into fine sands: they keep your feet glued to the ground, like quicksand. One is convinced that one is walking on something ‘solid’ but instead one is trapped.

The other dangers

Then there are the dangers “represented by branches and trunks, which can transform into ‘strainers’ where water passes but man does not. And let’s not underestimate the chain. Just 30 centimetres of water are enough to be swept away: the water up to your ankles already has a force of one hundred kilos,” explains the guide.

Bathing and rivers in Emilia Romagna

“In Emilia Romagna – recalls the expert – swimming cannot be done in any river. There is not a Bathing prohibition but as far as the potability of the water. For safety from the mouth to the source theHarp Emilia Romagna It issues it every year for a matter hygienic more than bathing”.

Dives and waterfalls

Especially in the vicinity of the waterfallsfinally, “you shouldn’t dive because you don’t have the perception of how deep they are. Last year, in Emilia Romagna, from Piacenza up to the mouth in the various rivers including After ed He did there were around thirty dead,” concludes Ugoletti.

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