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«Lecce never loses its bearings»: the words of former player Paolo Baldieri

«Lecce never loses its bearings»: the words of former player Paolo Baldieri
«Lecce never loses its bearings»: the words of former player Paolo Baldieri

LECCE «Balthazar Pierret for the midfield, Tete Morente for the front line, Cristian Fruchtl for the goal, Kialonda Gaspar for the rearguard. Lecce has achieved four transfer successes even before the signing and transfer campaign officially opens. All this is the result of programming that continues non-stop and lasts all year. Pantaleo Corvino, head of the technical area of ​​the Salento club, leaves nothing to chance. He constantly works to identify the right profiles for the Giallorossi team. The alternatives to rely on in the event that an operation does not go through. The manager from Vernole is never caught off guard and knows like few others what international football has to offer. He meticulously follows the less monitored championships and identifies players in the lower leagues. It is well known that he is one of the best around, but I have the clear feeling that in this second adventure with the greatest club in the world he is giving something more, that he particularly cares.” Former Paolo Baldieri (116 appearances and 20 goals from ’91/’92 to ’94/’95) who, residing in the city and managing a This commercial activity also has its finger on the pulse of Salento enthusiasts’ mood.

“The fans trust president Saverio Sticchi Damiani and Corvino – says the former Giallorossi striker – After all, together they have been able to give a very precise imprint to the company policy, making themselves appreciated throughout Italy. There are very few who don’t think so”. The line followed in the transfer market is now clear. Lecce receives players who are little known to the general public, young people in whom Corvino and the sports director Stefano Trinchera see interesting potential, athletes with a certain amount of experience, who need to relaunch themselves or who have never had the opportunity to stand out at certain levels. Often coming from minor leagues such as the French Ligue 2 or the Spanish second Liga. “This is the only way for a provincial club to play football without breaking the bank. But to combine it with the results that have been achieved so far you need to have a great instinct when you bet on a player. You need to know everything about him on a human, technical, tactical and character level. In his very long career as a sports manager, Corvino has launched many players and for Lecce it is a fortune to have him at the helm of the technical area. It is no coincidence that Sticchi Damiani wanted him next to him”.

The signing of goalkeeper Fruchtl, who was a starter for Austria Vienna, could be a prelude to a farewell for Wladimiro Falcone: «The Roman goalkeeper is strong and has several admirers in Serie A. I wouldn’t be surprised if he left. He deserves an important stage and it is legitimate that he has this aspiration. The new arrival, however, is a 2000 and the decision to sign him could also have been made in view of a non-immediate sale of Falcone. Corvino takes every aspect into account». The arrival of the Angolan Gaspar fills one of the two free slots in the central defensive role, assuming that Marin Pongracic remains in Giallorossi. «The Croatian was the Lecce player who did best in 2023/2024 – notes Baldieri – When Samuel Umtiti ended his adventure in Salento, many wondered how a pillar of his caliber would be replaced. Well, Corvino didn’t hesitate and opted for Pongracic, despite the fact that in 2022/2023 he missed a good part of the tournament due to injury. Now there are rumors of more than one club’s interest in him. It’s reasonable that he will move elsewhere also because a couple of transfers of elements in view of the squad must be taken into account and he is also coming from the European Championship, in which he struggled against Spain, but was the best of his against Italy”.

It would be important to retain centre-forward Nikola Krstovic: «This would be useful to Lecce and also to the player – says the former striker – The Montenegrin has shown first-rate numbers. A second season in Salento would allow him to take a step forward in his maturation. If he acquires greater consistency in front of goal, at the end of the championship his market value will be much higher than the current one: the Giallorossi club will command a higher price and in the meantime will have availed itself of his performances for the second season in a row». The club from via Colonel Costadura is moving towards the construction of a sports centre of its own: «This decision shows how the owners have a long-term project. Having a structure is fundamental above all to give greater impetus to the activity of the youth sector. Sticchi Damiani, in addition to being a passionate president, has a clear idea of ​​where he intends to take his Lecce and is also investing in the structures».

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