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Bari, Leali appears for the goal. Viola can go to Pisa

Bari, Leali appears for the goal. Viola can go to Pisa
Bari, Leali appears for the goal. Viola can go to Pisa

Goalkeepers chapter. The Bari he has already booked Nicola Leali, 31 years old (reserve for Martinez at Genoa in Serie A, but we will have to wait for the Spaniard’s transfer to Inter to be able to close). If problems arise, the alternative could be Mirko Pigliacelli, 31 years old, in case he decides to leave the Palermo. Juve Stabia is close to the Slovenian Kristjan Matosevic, 27 years old, former Cosenza in B, last year in C at Triestina. At the ReggianaThe Italian-Albanian Alessio Abibi, 27, can land as backup goalkeeper. Modena, arrives from Inter Mirko Castelnuovo, 2006, last season in the Primavera 2 of Cosenza. One of the most requested players in the Serie B is Matteo Felici, 23 years old, left winger who stood out in Serie B with Feralpisalò, also interested in Serie A, given his great technical means (in 2023/24, 38 games, 5 goals and 6 assists). The advantage over him could be Sassuolo who would have bypassed Cremonese, who could instead go and get another specialist of the left-handed wing, but an attacker, that is Giuseppe Caso, 25 years old: in the January transfer market, Frosinone had actually sold him to the grey-reds, but the player He was the opposite, finishing out of the squad and not playing again until the end of the season. It is unlikely that he will recover his relationship with the Ciociaro club, so this time he could really move to Arvedi’s court.

Cremonese on Antov, Ferrari leaving Sassuolo?

Cremonese who in the meantime is working with Monza to get the Bulgarian defender back from Brianza Valentin Antov23 years old, already in the red and gray last season but the offensive midfielder Mattia Valoti, 30 years old, who has returned from loan to Pisa where last season he ended the season with 33 games, 10 goals and 3 assists, could also end up in the deal, Stroppa he knows him well, he had coached him at Monza, of which he had been one of the pillars in 2022, when the Brianza team rose to Serie A. Meanwhile, Sassuolo is about to part ways, in defence, with the captain Gian Marco Ferrari31 years old (32 games and 1 goal in 2023/24), has offers in Serie A (Parma and Venezia) but it is not at all excluded that he could settle in Palermo. The Sicilian club, meanwhile, is about to close an exchange with Spezia: the Greek defender Dimitros Nikolaou, 25 years old, among the Ligurians since 2021, formerly of Empoli, could arrive in pink, while Spezia, on loan with the right to redeem, will receive the left back Giuseppe Aurelio, 24 years old, discovered in January 2023 in Pontedera but who had little luck with Palermo (35 games, 2 goals, 1 assist in Serie B) and with him a striker long pursued by Spezia, Edoardo Soleri, 26 years old, 33 games, 6 goals and 2 assists in the past season. Meanwhile, from today several players whose contracts were expiring on June 30 will find themselves without a contract.

Viola towards Pisa

One of them is the midfielder Nicolas Viola, 34 years old: he was at Cagliari, he could settle at Pisa who should have left director Miguel Veloso without a contract. In the meantime, Palermo is about to extend the contract of midfielder Jacopo Segre, 27 years old, until 2027, returning from a memorable season: 38 games, 7 goals and 5 assists. Cesena, the name of a gifted element to be relaunched appears: the attacking midfielder Mirko Antonucci, 25 years old, owned by Spezia, from January to Cosenza (who wouldn’t mind having him back).

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