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Hemicycle, the note. Verrecchia (FdI) on publishing: “The law already exists”

Hemicycle, the note. Verrecchia (FdI) on publishing: “The law already exists”
Hemicycle, the note. Verrecchia (FdI) on publishing: “The law already exists”

Below is the published press release issued by the Press Office of the Abruzzo Regional Council through the dedicated EmiciloNews portal: – “It is not true that the Abruzzo Region does not have a law on publishing – The law, signed by me, is was approved by the Regional Council in the meeting of 30 January 2024, published in the BURA on 14 February 2024, n. 7 Ordinary, and entered into force on 15 February 2024″. This is what the group leader of the Brothers of Italy in the regional council, Massimo Verrecchia, states – we learn from the official web portal. “The text, specifically – Verrecchia recalls again – follows a resolution of the Council (DGR n. 714-C of 26/10/2023), strongly desired by President Marco Marsilio, which due to administrative procedures involves a more laborious but we still managed to get it in the Council for approval before the end of the last legislature – we read on the official website. As is known, it was the will of the regional government and the law was approved with the allocation of 300 thousand euros for the two-year period 2024-2025 and with the assumption of a specific commitment to increase economic resources to support the sector – These are the facts – continues the FdI exponent – ​​and we therefore regret the statements that emerged during the General States of Information regarding the Abruzzo Region defined as the only one not to be in possession of a text of law which actually exists, especially after many years of total disinterest in the matter on the part of past administrations – specifies the press release. Everything can be improved but in respect of the truth I believe this denial is necessary – we read on the official website. I am sure that the presence of representatives of the Council at the summit would have allowed for a fruitful discussion but important meetings should also be organized on the basis of the availability of those who ‘count’ in programmatic and decision-making terms, especially considering the large agenda of institutional appointments that involve daily President Marsilio”, concludes Verrecchia – is highlighted on the website. (com/red)

This is what we read in an official note released today by the press service of the Chamber. The news, reported here according to the full text of the press release, reported in full, was also disclosed at 07:00 on the website of the Regional Council of Abruzzo, through which the news was disseminated. Source of the reported note:

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