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“Crossed the border again”

Bologna, 1 July 2024 – “The confine was passed again. These methods punish the reasons of merit”, he commented Michele Bulgarellisecretary of CGIL Bologna, the protests against the mayor Matteo Lepore occurred in recent days by the Besta Committee.

On the left, Michele Bulgarelli, secretary of CGIL Bologna. On the right, the demonstration of some members of the Besta committee against the mayor Matteo Lepore during the Anpi national holiday

It is a problem of modality, therefore, according to Bulgarelli: “When a demonstration takes place, it must be understood that it takes place by defining reasons of merit and that, therefore, by doing so they are disqualified”. So, this morning inside the CGIL headquarters in Bologna, its secretary Bulgarelli interpreted it this way to the reporters disturbances between the Don Bosco protesters and the Municipalityin what is a relationship that it still hasn’t taken off today and after some protesters called it a “fascist” a Leporethis is just the last straw that broke the camel’s back: “We find ourselves talking about the events of the Besta committee after the insults and sexist insults to journalists outside the court last April and last week’s threats to the councilor for public works Simone Borsari. In short, the boundary of the method of contestation has been crossed for the third time”, Bulgarelli claims.

The words of the CGIL Bologna secretary arrive after the answer of the mayor Lepore (“I have a hard time listening to what those who threaten my councilors say”), the defense ofAnpi to the institutions (“They are not anti-fascists”) and also the testimony of one of the members of the Besta committee, Roberto Panzacchi: “Those chants do not correspond to our will. The protest was supposed to be silent. We know he was a serious error and we don’t want it to happen again”, Panzacchi said in an interview with Corriere della Sera.

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