She runs away from home due to beatings: there is no center to host her – Teramo

She runs away from home due to beatings: there is no center to host her – Teramo
She runs away from home due to beatings: there is no center to host her – Teramo

TERAMO. She had the courage to report her partner who was beating her, but she immediately understood that what happens after her is never easy. Because you can only start from after yet another story of mistreatment in this Italy that never stops counting the women killed and that always fails to provide refuge to those fleeing family violence. Despite protocols, conventions, guidelines, online assistance and much more flaunted every time in conferences and budgets. It happened to a woman from Teramo who showed up at the police station in the center where she lives between Thursday and Friday to report her partner’s beatings. “I did it,” she said, “but now I can’t and don’t want to go back to that house because I’m scared.” Thus the rapid times imposed by the Red Code began, the reporting to the judicial authorities, the initiation of procedures to request a measure to remove the man from the house and the search for a protected community for the victim. The Carabinieri, the judicial police and the Prosecutor’s Office looked for her directly: in the province there is no center available to welcome the woman who has no relatives. The solution arrived only after hours: hospitality at a friend’s house with the risks that this entails. Because friends know each other, they can be found, they offer warmth but certainly not the protection of a secret refuge. It should always be remembered and remembered that those involved at every level in combating gender violence must act in compliance with the Istanbul Convention (the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence ), ratified by Italy with law 77/2013. Since international treaties, once ratified by the States, are placed at the top of the hierarchy of legal sources, no ordinary law, no regulation, use, custom, custom or practice can contravene their principles: outside of any technicality this means that they are not permitted exclusion criteria from the reception of those fleeing violence.

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