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Confesercenti, a plaque delivered to the Casa del Biscotto

Confesercenti, a plaque delivered to the Casa del Biscotto
Confesercenti, a plaque delivered to the Casa del Biscotto

On the last day of activity of the historic shop in via Goldoni 3, the president of Confesercenti Parma, Francesca Chittolini, presented a plaque to the owner Stefano Gazzola by all the staff of the association, in memory of 66 years of extraordinary work of the Biscuit House. “A moment of thanks to an entrepreneur who was among the founders of Confesercenti Parma and an example of professionalism and high quality in all these years – recalls Francesca Chittolini. This place is proof of how important neighborhood shops are and how much they can characterize the life of a city.” Present at the delivery, representing the Municipality, the Councilor for Urban Regeneration and Economic Activities and Trade Planning, Chiara Vernizzi. “It is a great pleasure to be here – confirms Councilor Vernizzi – to present this recognition to a person who has delighted the palates of many children and adults in Parma and has characterized sales in our historic center thanks to his particular specialization and his uniqueness”. The sign was a place of gluttony, quality and kindness and remains an indelible memory for the many who for more than half a century went to buy chocolates and sweets, biscuits and sugared almonds, Easter eggs and panettone in this paradise of taste and sweetness. A sales point specializing in sweets for all ages, opened in 1958 in via Mazzini, and then moved to its current location in 1984, after being purchased by Stefano, who has managed it in recent years first with his wife Daniela and subsequently with daughter Jessica.

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