It’s history. Abela first female president

It’s history. Abela first female president
It’s history. Abela first female president

Lucca, July 1, 2024 – The archaeologist Elizabeth Abela is the first female president of the Rotary Club Lucca. Great news that comes from one of the most prestigious groups in our city that, Thursday evening, celebrated the historic “passage of the bell” by greeting the architect Giuseppe Lunardini.

The ceremony, at the request of the new president, was held at Carmine Market: «I have known about this appointment for some time – commented Abela – and yet it was still a great emotion. I decided to celebrate this important passage at the Carmine Market because it is a historic place, a symbol of our city. A way to hook up past, present but also future. This will in fact be an important year for Rotary, as it will celebrate its first 90 years. And it will be an opportunity not only to reflect but also to activate projects and consolidate links with city institutions and other clubs”. Great satisfaction also for the fourteen services carried out by the Club which ranged from attention to the environment with the completion of the re-masting of San Salvatore bastionto the one towards the most fragile, with the donation of a guide dog for the blind and an electric scooter for tourists with walking difficulties.

A drug-sniffing dog and a new defibrillator were also donated, installed in the new horse riding gym.Special attention will also be paid to culture, with the restoration of Lombard parchments kept by the Curia of Lucca. Now, the Board of Directors will pay particular attention to environmental sustainability. During the evening, President Lunardini presented the Paul Harris Fellow honor to Past President Gualtiero Pachetti and to four members of the board of directors, who distinguished themselves for their support activities for the club.

At the end of the ceremony, Matteo Gemignani and Bartolomeo Pampaloni, administrators of the 4223 Company, which obtained the concession of the Mercato del Carmine structure from the Municipality of Lucca, also spoke. illustrate the project aimed at reviving this symbolic place of the city, which, taking inspiration from other foreign markets, is on its way to becoming a catalyst for all the excellences of Lucca and representing the rebirth of the historic centre, in particular for those who still live there.

This is the composition of the new board of directors, which will accompany the President Abela at the helm of the Club: Nolledi Giancarlo, V. President, Bortolotti Paolo, Secretary, Pereda Antonio, Treasurer, Milianti Beatrice, Prefect; Directors: Giorgi Lodovica, Bolpagni Paolo, Armani Vittorio and Cosci Daniel.

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