Munib’s family, who died at 18 months, awaits burial clearance

Munib’s family, who died at 18 months, awaits burial clearance
Munib’s family, who died at 18 months, awaits burial clearance

Pavia. The family of little Munib, the 18-month-old child who died after accidentally falling from the balcony of a fourth-floor building on via Cascina Spelta, is waiting for clearance from the Pavia prosecutor’s office to bid their final farewell to the child.

The tragedy of Via Cascina Spelt

Child who fell from fourth floor dies. Mother: “It all happened in an instant”

Adriano Agatti

30 June 2024

The Pavia Public Prosecutor’s Office has in fact ordered an autopsy to clarify the exact dynamics of what happened, an accident that occurred on Friday mid-afternoon. The child who was born on January 2, 2023 in San Matteo was at home with his mother. The parents have been in Pavia for three years, both 23 years old of Sudanese origin: the father works in a workshop in Via Riviera, the mother is a housewife. Munib was their first son.

According to reconstructions, on Friday afternoon the woman had bathed the child, then put him to bed. Shortly after, a friend of hers arrived, the woman opened the door for her. Together they went to the bedroom but the child was no longer there. The balcony door was open. The two women rushed outside and it was the friend who saw Munib on the floor in the internal courtyard of the condominium. The rescuers immediately arrived on the scene. The child was intubated and urgently transported to San Matteo. His conditions appeared desperate. The doctors diagnosed him with a head trauma, a respiratory trauma and several fractures. After a few hours spent in the intensive care unit, in the evening he was taken to the operating room. But the last attempt to save him proved useless. The father had also put a safety net on the balcony in the past, also to prevent the toys that passed through the bars from falling. Probably when he went out, Munib must have climbed on his tricycle and then on the external box of the air conditioner. At that point he leaned over the railing, losing his balance and flying to the ground from a height of about 14 meters. The impact with the concrete made his fall fatal. A tragic fate that has upset the existence of a young family.

The Sudanese community and the mosque in via Villa Eleonora (via Donegani area) in Pavia immediately rallied around the young couple. Several Sudanese people from all over northern Italy arrived at the family’s home, but also many Muslims who frequent the mosque in via Villa Eleonora, where Munib’s family also went.

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