Terni, the ‘shopping night’ initiative with ZTL closed is good but many problems remain

Terni, the ‘shopping night’ initiative with ZTL closed is good but many problems remain
Terni, the ‘shopping night’ initiative with ZTL closed is good but many problems remain

Terni, 1 July 2024 – The Committee of Families Residents of the Historic Center expresses, as appreciable, the ‘shopping night’ initiative for the relaunch of commerce in the city center with a completely closed ZTL, without creating obvious inconveniences which have already largely occurred recently to the detriment of families in the historic center.

Finally, we learn from the municipal administration and trade associations a serious signal on the ZTL issue which, unfortunately, in the recent past has created very serious problems for resident families – the only true and constant ‘engine’ of the city center – also to the benefit of our merchant friends whose major income comes precisely from a fixed clientele residing in the historic center.

The wise choice to keep the ZTL closed, finally listening to those who for over a year have given the best suggestions (also through reports and specific documentation) for a liveable center, can be translated as a sign of maturity towards a delicate issue that finally listens to the numerous requests of our families.

We would like to point out that this issue cannot and must not be of a political nature (on which our committee has repeatedly demonstrated that it is not part of any party alignment) but is a purely technical-operational issue and therefore we hope that the the administration together with the relevant managerial offices, no longer make errors that significantly worsen the lives of resident families.

However, many problems remain unresolved, including that of parking spaces reserved for residents only (reduced and some have even disappeared).
A topic that has not improved at all with the modification of the new Regulation on which our Committee had given its contribution through specific solutions that, hopefully, will soon be listened to as done albeit belatedly and with great suffering for the ZTL.

The Committee also requests greater transparency on the numbers of permits currently active, in fact it is not possible in any way and in any communication channel of the Municipality of Terni to have a daily update on the number of permits issued and active classified by category.
It is therefore requested to publish and have easy public access to this information on the Terni Reti website.

We always remain in the hope that the municipal administration will listen more to the resident families who know the dynamics of the historic center and its critical issues better than anyone else.

A listening that, if it had happened a year earlier, would have avoided a depopulation of hundreds of families who, out of desperation, abandoned their property in the center (property that is increasingly devalued) to buy another in another area or even in another city, in addition to the now well-known closure of numerous shops from last year to today.

Finally, the security issue is also unresolved, where we still see raids and thefts in condominiums and apartments, muggings in broad daylight, delinquency, fights and night-time break-ups in the shops of merchant friends.

Knowing how to work on the mistakes of the recent past and listening to those who know these critical issues well can really make a difference and be of great help for our beloved city and for the revaluation of our city center which is constantly suffering both on a residential and commercial level. trade.


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