The Alpine Group of Messina at the Bersaglieri rally

The Alpine Group of Messina at the Bersaglieri rally
The Alpine Group of Messina at the Bersaglieri rally

“Participating means sharing values, ours was a heartfelt participation, we also wanted to give support to this important initiative, appreciated by the citizens and the cruise passengers who crowded into Piazza Cairoli, the place of departure, on the sides during the parade and then to Piazza Unione Europea where the final ceremony took place”. The Messina group leader declared this Joseph Minissale.

The second Sunday of a hot summer, which promises to be scorching, did not stop the race of the Sicilian and Calabrian “Fanti Piumati” accompanied by the fanfares of the 6th Bersaglieri Regiment of Trapani and the ANB fanfare “MOVM Magg. G. La Rosa” of Castroreale – Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto.

The event saw the participation of the president of ANB Sicilia Salvatore Aurelio, it began on the morning of Saturday 29 June with the raising of the flag and the laying of a laurel wreath at the monument dedicated to the fallen of Messina. At 11.00 in the church of S. Elia followed the Holy Mass officiated by the chaplain of the Brigade “Aosta” don Simone Marani, who blessed the banner of the Messina Section “Vincenzo Bagnara” accompanied by the president Giovanni Saglimbeni. On Sunday 30 the parade took place from Piazza Cairoli along Via Garibaldi, with the gathering in Piazza Unione Europea, accompanied by a good participation of the public and cruise passengers. In the presence of the banner of the Municipality of Messina decorated with MOVM, the Medal Collection of the Istituto del Nastro Azzurro, the sectional banners of the Bersaglieri and the many Combatant and Armed Forces Associations, the ceremony saw the performance of the Fanfares and the institutional greetings of the city authorities. Also on Sunday in Piazza Unione Europea, the special cancellation of Poste Italiane took place, with the artistic commemorative postcard. At 5:00 pm the flag-lowering ceremony concluded the crimson weekend, perfectly organized by the “Fanti Piumati” of Peloritani.

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