“I’ll transfer the title or close down.” Viterbo awaits Serie D

“I’ll transfer the title or close down.” Viterbo awaits Serie D
“I’ll transfer the title or close down.” Viterbo awaits Serie D

RIETI – The adventure of Amatrice Rieti has come to an end. Barring sensational last-minute twists – difficult to achieve given the looming federal deadlines – the match played on 19 May in Rome against Terracina and won on penalties 7-6 to obtain the Super Cup of Excellence was the last official match of the amarantoceleste company, founded a year ago.

The situation
It is the same reference partner of the club, Tito Capriccioli, who confirms what he declared in the press conference, last Wednesday at the Quattro Stagioni, speaking of the end of the road. “I have given a legal firm the mandate to verify the existence of clubs interested in our sports title – says Capriccioli – but frankly I don’t know if this negotiation is underway with Camilli or with other entrepreneurs or other football entities present on the national territory. One thing is certain: if I were to sell it, even if I were to get a cent from it, I would invest it entirely in the Amatrician territory for projects that concern the social. But if no one were to be interested in the title or the bureaucracy were to hinder the transfer, I will definitively close the company, giving up the Serie D obtained this year on the field”.

Game over
Capriccioli, regardless of the success or otherwise of the tender for the assignment of the stadium (and the two adjacent fields), has now decided on the path to take. «There is no longer any time to do otherwise – admits Capriccioli – and the stadium issue is no longer something I want to address. What I regret is that, in the end, having come to play in Rieti, with the obligation to match the name and colors of the capital to Amatrice, brought more harm than good. But I don’t deny anything of what happened, because in any case we had an incredible year, winning two trophies that will remain in the history and annals of regional football.” Capriccioli wants to point out that «Amatrice Rieti has no debts: as far as we are concerned we have all paid and obtained the releases, therefore I don’t want any inaccuracies to be said». And what will happen to the reconfirmed players? «We will contact them explaining the situation, then they will be free to find another accommodation» comments Capriccioli. Meanwhile in Viterbo they are waiting for the positive outcome of the negotiation: the new Serie D club would be called Ssa Viterbo, FC Viterbo would not play the Eccellenza but would keep the freshman team for the youth sector.


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