«Agriculture, the banks are grooming the Region» – Pescara

«Agriculture, the banks are grooming the Region» – Pescara
«Agriculture, the banks are grooming the Region» – Pescara

PESCARA. There is still conflict over agriculture. The leader of the Democratic Party in the Regional Council Silvio Paolucci he is very critical of the Marsilio Council. «After the mockery of the contributions and support for agricultural activities, he declares, «damaged by bad weather and downy mildew, requested a year ago, now the mockery of unimplementable measures. In fact, the Region has not put the banks in a position to grant support to entrepreneurs in the sector, given the benefits announced to them a few days after the vote and following the state of calamity recognized in Abruzzo”.
The leader of the Democratic Party explains that «the gap in the national and regional measures produced and not yet implemented is put in black and white in a letter addressed by the head of the Italian Banking Association to the regional executive, in which he expresses his full intention to support the companies in difficulty, but certifies the impossibility of doing so due to a series of documentary gaps”.
“This is yet another proof,” he adds, “that Marsilio does not govern, he only does propaganda, while the people of Abruzzo wait to see at least one of the many problems that afflict the region resolved. The measures envisaged by the Lollobrigida Decree of 24 January last, which announced, among other things, incentive measures involving banks, are impracticable. These are loans with a five-year repayment period with an interest contribution; the extension for a single time and for more than 24 months of the deadlines for the installments of agricultural credit operations.”
The two measures, the ABI announces, to be applied require the recognition of public benefits and financing concessions by the company, technical steps which are not present in the legislative text. And not only in the aforementioned decree, but not even in the other reference text issued by the Meloni Government.

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