Parma Effect: “From Ponte Nord to Ponte delle Acque to correct the mistakes of the past”

Parma Effect: “From Ponte Nord to Ponte delle Acque to correct the mistakes of the past”
Parma Effect: “From Ponte Nord to Ponte delle Acque to correct the mistakes of the past”

“Today we are reaping the fruits of the agreement signed in 2022 between the Municipality of Parma, the Emilia-Romagna Region, the Province of Parma and the Po River Basin Authority, an agreement strongly desired by Effetto Parma, the governing force in the Municipality, in which commitments and a vision of what the Ponte Nord should become, from an empty shell to a Ponte delle Acque, were outlined”.

This was underlined by the president of the Effetto Parma association Mirko Reggiani and the city councilor Michele Alinovi who “extremely welcome the step forward that Mayor Guerra – following up on the agreement signed in 2022 – has made on this age-old issue by presenting it at the town hall the project of

completion and redevelopment of the North Bridge as the new headquarters of the Po River Basin Authority, an important institution in Parma that deals with the planning of an increasingly precious and sometimes dangerous asset such as water. An ambitious challenge that sees, in this new institutional headquarters, on the one hand the possibility of strengthening the presence of the Po River Basin Authority in Parma – followed up with new spaces

to the Authority’s ambitious hiring plan – on the other the possibility of finally giving citizens back a public place capable of fitting into the cultural life of the city by focusing on training, research and dissemination of a new water culture which has the protection as its objective of aquatic ecosystems and the valorisation of the landscapes and river routes that gravitate along the tributaries of the Po, making this uninhabited bridge both a cultural and tourist opportunity for our territory”.

[[(gele.Finegil.StandardArticle2014v1) Uffici, sale convegni e coworking nel Ponte Nord, c’è il progetto. Guerra: “Ora il Govenri metta l risorse”]]

Effetto Parma declares itself “available to collaborate seriously with all the political forces that have this project at heart and we hope that the Government, thanks also to the commitment of the parliamentarians of the territory and the municipal administration, restores the ministerial funds removed at the end of 2022 which could allow the concrete and definitive resolution of this long-standing and in some ways paradoxical issue”.

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