Maxi drug dealing network with 5 kilos of cocaine

Maxi drug dealing network with 5 kilos of cocaine
Maxi drug dealing network with 5 kilos of cocaine

Two years ago he had already been arrested by the Carabinieri of Scandiano as he had been found in possession of over a kilo of hashish and about two hectograms of cocaine: and now a 51-year-old resident of Scandiano has been sent to prison, following the intervention of the soldiers of the Carabinieri who stopped a huge cocaine dealing carried out in seven years of illicit activity. The investigations have ascertained not only that the alleged drug dealing activity continued even after the first arrest which took place two years ago, but that the drug dealing dates back to at least 2017. The police documented over 4,500 sales of five kilos of cocaine in favor of a dozen of customers in the ceramic district for a turnover of around 400 thousand euros. The Reggio Public Prosecutor’s Office therefore requested and obtained from the investigating judge of the court a precautionary custody order in prison against the 51-year-old, allegedly responsible for the drug buying and selling activity. The restrictive measure was sent to the Scandian military for execution: the man was arrested on the morning of Thursday 27 June. They therefore ascertained that the alleged drug dealing activity was still continuing despite the first arrest. A search was carried out with the help of a canine unit of the local police of the Mountain Union of Municipalities of the Reggio Emilia Apennines. Inside the house they found thirteen white plastic wrappers wrapped in aluminum foil: they contained cocaine with a total weight of approximately fifteen grams. The drugs were then seized together with a precision scale (perfectly functional) with traces of cocaine. In addition to the execution of the precautionary measure in prison, the man was arrested in flagrante delicto of possession for the purpose of drug dealing. Measures against the 51-year-old are inevitable. He was in fact accompanied to the barracks and subsequently taken to the Reggio prison. It emerged that the 51-year-old had been arrested on 6 May two years ago by the Scandiano police who, at the end of a targeted activity, found him in possession of over a kilo of hashish and around two grammes of cocaine divided into blocks and heat-sealed wrappers always ready for sale. The police had also found cutting and packaging material. The investigation is followed by prosecutor Valentina Salvi. The 51-year-old appeared yesterday morning before the preliminary hearing judge Silvia Guareschi to undergo the warrant interrogation. Assisted by the lawyer Antonio Sarzi Amadè, he availed himself of the right not to respond. “A choice made while waiting to be able to analyze the investigative documentation – comments the defender – and then make the appropriate assessments”.

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