Mondialpol robbery in Sassari: here is the dynamics. “Bandits ready to kill”

SASSARI. It’s 8:30pm on Friday 28th JuneA commando of at least ten bandits armed with war weapons assaults the Mondialpol vault in Caniga, on the outskirts of Sassari. The criminals are willing to do anything, even kill.. Dressed in camouflage and bulletproof vests They enter the security company’s establishment by breaking through a wall. They exploit the length of the mechanical arm of a bucket which they bring closer to the concrete wall.

In the photo the Mondialpol headquarters in Sassari and the mechanical vehicle used by the criminals to enter

Simultaneously with a ladder, other bandits climb over the fence. Inside sthey parade to scare the security guardsthen they take possession of the money kept in the vault. The bags of money are carried out always with the bucket of the mechanical means and loaded onto a white Fiat Ducato van. Before fleeing towards Cagliari they shoot at security guards to intimidate them: one of them who is in the surveillance booth is saved thanks to the bulletproof glass. The scene is filmed from afar with a cell phone and then spread on social media. While the robbery is still in progress, a carabinieri car reaches the Mondialpol headquarters: it is riddled with bullets by criminals. They shoot at eye level and at the engine to block the police.

In the photo, the patrol cars with bullet holes after the armed assault on the Mondialpol vault


Also in this case the two carabinieri were saved because the windshield withstood the impact of the bullets. The commando’s action was coordinated and studied down to the smallest detail according to the investigators. While part of the gang entered the vault, others blocked all the main access routes by setting fire to cars. and strewing the asphalt with nails. In this way they covered their escape: all the traffic around the city was blocked and the police reached the place of the robbery with difficulty.

In the photo one of the cars used by armed bandits to escape after the robbery at the Mondialpol vault in Sassari


The anti-robbery plan has been launched throughout northern Sardinia with checkpoints on the main roads in the Sassari and Nuoro areasand with the police helicopter that circled over the city all night. The stolen money was intended to pay pensions next week.

Sassari, armed assault on the Mondialpol vault: the video of the shots against the police


The previous robberies at the Mondialpol in Sassari

On 29 March 2016, the Mondialpol headquarters in Caniga, in Sassari, suffered a similar attack, again with weapons of war and at approximately the same time. A commando of at least fifteen men had entered into action with three cars, two vans and a heavy vehicle used to transport an excavator then used to carry out the robbery. The criminals had shot at the security building. Vehicles had also been burned in that case as a diversionThe loot was 11 million euros.On 30 May 2018 another robbery at the Mondialpol in Sassari had failed. In that case too, the gang of at least twelve robbers armed with Kakashnikovs, automatic rifles and pistols had reached the headquarters of the private security firm shortly after 9 pm and had used a mechanical shovel to knock down the entrance gate. However, the passive protection systems installed in the building with alarms and smoke bombs had been triggered. To prevent the security guards inside from reacting, the bandits had repeatedly shot at the building. Perhaps alerted by the arrival of the police, the criminals had then fled and to cover their escape had set fire to a car.

The concern of the police

The carabinieri car riddled with Kalashnikov shots and officers in shock. The day after the robbery in the province of Sassari, where the fleeing criminals shot at a Radiomobile car of the Carabinieri company, alarmed the police unions. «The protection devices of the cars made it possible not to hold a funeral“, declared in a note Davide Satta, Deputy National General Secretary of the Italian Carabinieri Union (USIC). “What happened last night in Sassari is of unprecedented gravity. Colleagues are in shock, but fortunately they are fine. The windshield of the company car withstood the Kalashnikov shots that the bandits exploded against them, only by a miracle did no one die”, echoes Eros Retanda, general secretary of the Sassari province of the New Carabinieri Union (NSC). “This very serious episode – he continues – highlights how a single patrol cannot deal with such events and how it is essential to strengthen control of the territory, especially in a land where criminal escalation does not retreat.”

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