the tribute to the legend of Marco Pantani by Aldo Drudi

the tribute to the legend of Marco Pantani by Aldo Drudi
the tribute to the legend of Marco Pantani by Aldo Drudi

The city is dyed yellow. The colors of the Tour de France, the most famous and anticipated cycling competition in the world, have invaded the streets of Rimini. A historic event that sees the Italian stage of this race land on the shores of the Adriatic for the first time. The tribute to the legendary Marco Pantani, an unforgettable champion, a champion who rose directly from sport to myth for the ‘daring descents and climbs’ that characterized his entire life, is unmissable.

Today Rimini hosts for the first time the arrival of the first stage of the Tour de France. A unique and exceptional event which, for the city, also becomes a moment to ideally close a circle. Here, where Marco met his end 20 years ago, Pantani returns to live and breathe with the hearts of millions of enthusiasts through the evocative homage to his figure, created by a world-famous designer and wanted by a group of private entrepreneurs who the legendary exploits of the ‘Pirate’ are still in our eyes, at the Tour and at the Giro d’Italia.

The homage, an installation 5 meters high and 4 meters wide, forever fixes Pantani’s silhouette at the end of one of his most famous rides in myth: the arrival at the finish line of Oropa in the pink race in 1999, a few days before everything was shattered in Madonna di Campiglio. Marco with his arms wide open, after having overtaken 49 opponents due to a mechanical accident, in an expression of joy, fatigue, ecstasy and pain.

The creation of the work by Aldo Drudi

To create this extraordinary work, in which a pool of sponsors (Cocer, Eco Demolizioni, Arredissima, Gruppo Ivas and Arancio Logistica Trasporti) actively participated with their contribution, the internationally renowned designer Aldo Drudi was involved, who collaborated for a long time with Pantani, taking care of his image for a period, and who today signs the installation. Thanks also to the synergy with the company specialized in advanced prototyping BBTEK srl and the artist Renzo “Pinky” Vandi, the result is a majestic three-dimensional structure, a masterpiece of art and engineering. Made of high-density polystyrene, this ‘colossus’, five meters high and four meters wide, is supported by a sturdy metal frame and covered with a rigid polyurea coating resistant to atmospheric agents. Even the location chosen is not the result of mere contingency: the positioning of the work in the square on the water in Rimini metaphorically symbolizes a return to the origins for Pantani, a reunion with his home. Marecchia Park is in fact a place full of symbolism, a point of union and border, where the sea meets the land, reflecting the cyclist’s journey between competitions and the return home, to that Rimini that welcomed him so many times, whether he was returning from the Cippo del Monte Carpegna or on a break from racing.

“This project, created with lightweight technologies and materials, is the result of the work of an extraordinary team, which I would like to thank by naming in particular Paolo Bonci, the BBTEX technician, who made this vision possible, and Pinky who, with his golden hands, defined Marco’s stylization lines – explains the designer Aldo Drudi – Our goal is to touch the hearts of the fans, paying homage to a person who was a dear friend to me. For the first time, I allowed myself to treat Marco’s image after his passing, hoping to have done so in a respectful way.”

The installation will remain in the setting of the two-thousand-year-old Tiberio Bridge until the Pink Night and then be permanently transferred to an equally important area for the city that will be chosen together with the citizens, so that the Pirate remains in the hearts of everyone, from travelers to passers-by. Here, Marco Pantani is more than a memory; he is a living presence that continues to inspire athletes and to tell the indomitable spirit of the lands of Romagna.

“This tribute to Marco Pantani would not have been possible if there had not been a group of sponsors, whom I sincerely thank, available to give their contribution to the city and to the memory of this champion is the comment of the Mayor Jamil Sadegholvaad -. Together with them, I would like to thank in particular Aldo Drudi and Councilor Morolli, who followed the entire operation step by step. It is a true bridge between generations, an artistic work that integrates advanced technologies to capture the courage and passion of a man who faced and overcame numerous obstacles, on and off the street. With this initiative, Rimini not only pays homage to an illustrious athlete from Romagna, but also takes on the role of guardian of a precious legacy. Our wish today is that, thanks to this splendid installation, the great heron Marco Pantani will open his wings again for the love of all of us who will never forget him.

“The installation is a symbol that wants to celebrate the indelible impact of Pantani on the world of cycling and sports enthusiasts – says Mattia MorolliCouncilor for Public Works of the Municipality -. An operation made possible thanks to an extraordinary public-private team effort, which saw numerous companies committed to the front line to realize this artistic restitution that bears the signature of Drudi, demonstrating, once again, the great heart of our community”

“Gruppo Ivas has always supported the major events involving art, sport and culture – declares Philip Colonna, CEO and Strategic Marketing Director of the IVAS Group -. Participating in this beautiful initiative by the Municipality of Rimini is a source of pride for all of us because it pays the right homage to one of the greatest sportsmen not only from Romagna but also Italian and international. This teamwork between public and private is the perfect synthesis of everything that our land, our culture, our traditions are capable of doing. The same spirit that has always accompanied the Pirate in his exploits. Ivas has focused its activity on colours, therefore we can’t wait to see Marco’s colours, pink and yellow, explode throughout the city of Rimini and throughout Romagna on the occasion of these important celebrations and the historic passage of Tour de France!”.

“We are pleased and proud to have supported the creation of this work dedicated to the great champion Marco Pantani in our city of Rimini – he said instead Alberto Ticchi, CEO of Eco Demolizioni -. As Eco Demolizioni benefit company we have enthusiastically welcomed this initiative of the Municipality: ours is a benefit company which, as is known, is active in the sector of large demolitions and large structural works, which it carries out throughout Italy. We are also deeply rooted in our territory and firmly believe in the values ​​of socialization and sport, which are among the factors that make the quality of life of a community high. Furthermore, the occasion of the Tour de France passing through Rimini further amplifies the link between sport, community and territorial development, which we are pleased to help celebrate. We thank the Municipality of Rimini for the opportunity to be part of this very significant initiative, because as a company we are very attentive to everything that can benefit the city, to which we feel deeply close.”.

“This monument – ​​he added Ottavio Cipriano by Cocer – is a tribute to the memory of a great champion who thrilled and inspired many cycling enthusiasts with feats that will forever remain imprinted in the minds of athletes. We hope that this work will also represent an opportunity to promote the values ​​of sport such as commitment and passion.”

“The slogan of Arredissima – he concludes Louis Ciavattaadministrator of Arredissimahe has always recited Passion and Love, the same qualities that make a man of sport great, the same ones that Marco Pantani put into all of his cycling exploits; with great pride we dedicate this statue to him.”

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