Podcast “Let’s stop the baby gangs” of the Vittorio Emanuele II Institute

Podcast “Let’s stop the baby gangs” of the Vittorio Emanuele II Institute
Podcast “Let’s stop the baby gangs” of the Vittorio Emanuele II Institute

The podcast “Let’s stop the baby gangs” addresses a topic of great social relevance. Baby gangs, groups of children or adolescents who organize themselves to commit acts of violence and vandalism, represent a dark side of adolescence.

The aim of the students of the 1A of the IIS Vittorio Emanuele II of Catanzaro, directed by the school director Rita Elia, assisted by the professor of Law and Economics Odette Anania, is to draw attention to the fact and prevent it. To delve deeper into the topic, a meeting was organized for the students at the Institute with the association “Voce della Legalità”, chaired by Prof. Giulia Anna Pucci and the coordinator Prof. Simone Rizzuto, professor of criminal law at UMG, to whom the young students expressed particular thanks for the valid contribution of reflections with practical implications useful for the creation of the podcast. An acknowledgment of gratitude is also addressed to Prof. Francesca Amore for her support.


The audio takes the form of dialogue and interview simulation between the young students. To prevent and combat this phenomenon, it is essential to adopt a holistic approach that involves different strategies based on information and awareness, extracurricular opportunities, family support, safe spaces and community involvement, identification and support, laws and policies. Educating young people about the negative effects of criminal activities and the legal consequences can dissuade them from engaging in violent behavior.

Schools, families and community organizations can play a crucial role in this process. Offering opportunities to participate in practical and workshop experiences, sport, art, music, legality projects, activities aimed at developing the eight European key competences, entrepreneurship education, and other extracurricular activities helps to keep young people engaged and develop positive social skills , diverting them from creating or participating in these groups. All of this can reduce the risk of involvement in criminal activity. Counseling programs and support services for families are essential. A stable and loving family can reduce the emotional and identity void that often characterizes the lives of young people, helping to prevent delinquency.

Creating safe spaces and programs for youth within communities is important. Involving young people in activities that keep them off the streets can help prevent involvement in baby gangs. Working together to identify young people at risk and provide them with appropriate support is crucial. This can include individualized interventions and social reintegration programs. Implement laws and policies that address the problem of baby gangs, prevention measures and sanctions for gang members.

Prevention requires a collective effort on the part of families, schools, communities and institutions. Acting promptly is essential to prevent young people from falling into the trap of baby gangs.

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