Citizen mourning for Shimpei Tominaga. The pain does not stop in Udine – Nordest24

Citizen mourning for Shimpei Tominaga. The pain does not stop in Udine – Nordest24
Citizen mourning for Shimpei Tominaga. The pain does not stop in Udine – Nordest24

Citizen mourning proclaimed in UDINE to honor Shimpei Tominaga

UDINE – The community of Udine was called to unite in grief and reflection after the tragic death of Shimpei Tominaga, a respected citizen and appreciated entrepreneur. The decision to proclaim city mourning was taken by the municipal administration as a gesture of closeness and support towards the family of the deceased and towards all citizens. During the day of mourning, flags will be placed at half-mast in all public buildings, symbolizing the deep mourning that envelops the city.

Mayor De Toni expresses his condolences

Mayor De Toni, visibly moved, shared his pain with the community: “It is with a heavy heart that I offer my condolences for the loss of Shimpei Tominaga, a man who not only lived among us with integrity, but also enriched our city with his civic and professional commitment. His death is a painful loss for all of us in Udine.”

Tominaga’s ultimate courage

“I want to remember Shimpei above all for his courageous final gesture,” continued the mayor. “By intervening in an act of violence in the heart of our city, Shimpei showed incredible civic responsibility and selflessness, sacrificing his life for the good of others. His heroism is a shining example of those human values ​​that our society desperately needs.”

Condolences to the Tominaga family

The mayor extended his deepest condolences to Shimpei’s wife, Chinatsu, their teenage son and all their loved ones, offering the support and solidarity of the entire municipal administration in this moment of immense pain.

A renewed commitment against crime

“The fight against crime and violence is a constant commitment and today, more than ever, we must work to bring peace and serenity back to Udine,” concluded the mayor, underlining the importance of adopting strong measures to improve security small town. “Shimpei Tominaga’s sacrifice will not be forgotten; It pushes us to do more to ensure similar tragedies don’t happen again.”

Deputy Mayor Venanzi joins in the condolences

Deputy mayor Alessandro Venanzi also wanted to express his pain: “It is unacceptable that people die in this way. Shimpei Tominaga lost his life defending those in danger, showing a high sense of civility and altruism. Her passing creates a huge void for Udine, a community that has always appreciated her friendliness and friendly spirit. I express my condolences to all family and friends in this time of deep sorrow.”

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