Lions Club Terni Host donates to the child neuropsychiatry of Usl2

Lions Club Terni Host donates to the child neuropsychiatry of Usl2
Lions Club Terni Host donates to the child neuropsychiatry of Usl2

26 Jun 2024 07:31

Important donation by the Terni Host Lions Club, led by president Alessandra Robatto, to the child neuropsychiatry service of the Umbria 2 local health authority, coordinated by Professor Augusto Pasini. The support of the Terni Club went, in particular, to the regional reference center for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Alessandra Robatto and professor Augusto Pasini

«During the event – ​​reports a note from the Terni Host Lions Club – Professor Pasini, together with President Robatto, explained to the public in attendance – including Doctor Patrizia Signori of the Terni Medical Association – how the service is aimed to an audience of users who, in fact, represents approximately 5% of the population, with an incidence that has increased significantly over the years”.

«The regional ADHD centre, active in the former Sim childhood center in Viale VIII Marzo, is an operational reality in which numerous specialists, including Doctors Pilardi, Ascenzi and Doctor De Dominicis, follow hundreds of cases and welcome minors with their families, implementing international protocols based on proven and successful techniques.”

«The purchase of instruments useful for diagnoses is part of the services envisaged by Lions International as aid to the weakest groups but also as a stimulus to increase, on the part of the regional health system, the resources useful for promoting projects of proven health utility and also for the educational institutions in which minors continue their correct educational placement. It is also the intention of the Lions Clubs present in the regional territory to organize foundraising activities in the next lion year so that this excellent service in the Terni area receives the necessary support, budgetary continuity and attention from the public health sector”.

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