We transfer the Municipality of Santo Stefano Quisquina to the Province of Palermo ‣ Quisquinachannel.it


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We transfer the Municipality of Santo Stefano Quisquina to the Province of Palermo





A petition has been launched on Change.org to transfer the Municipality of Santo Stefano Quisquina from the Province of Agrigento to that of Palermo. This initiative aims to guarantee better services for citizens, in line with the budget estimates of the Metropolitan City of Palermo, which includes significant investments in schools, infrastructure, sports and cultural heritage.

Motivations (text from Change.org)
The Province of Agrigento, with a population of approximately 450,000 inhabitants, has shown inefficiencies in the management of resources. The budget forecast for 2024 reflects some critical issues, with allocations of €29,126,640.16 for schools and €48,826,381.23 for infrastructure, but with questionable management. In contrast, the Metropolitan City of Palermo, with approximately 660,000 inhabitants, has a more solid budget and greater investment capacity.

Procedure to Follow

1. **Citizens’ Initiative**: Sign the petition and support change on [Change.org](https://www.change.org/p/trasferiamo-il-comune-di-santo-stefano-quisquina-in-provincia-di-palermo). Organize the signature drive to show community support.

2. **Resolution of the City Council**: Present the proposal to the City Council of Santo Stefano Quisquina to obtain a resolution in favor of the change of province.

3. **Request to the Region**: Once you have obtained the consent of the City Council, send a formal request to the Sicily Region.

4. **Regional or National Law**: If the Region approves, a regional or national law may be necessary to change provincial boundaries.

Sign the petition and support change on [Change.org](https://www.change.org/p/trasferiamo-il-comune-di-santo-stefano-quisquina-in-provincia-di-palermo).

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