petition to reopen the case was filed

A possible turning point could come from the possible reopening of the case of Manuela Murgia, the 16 year old who was found dead on 5 February 1995 in Cagliari, in the Tuvixeddu canyon. The case, at the time, had been dismissed as suicide but the family has always maintained that, instead, she had been killed and now the request has been filed to reopen the matter after a series of defensive investigations conducted by the Bachisio Mele law firm and the lawyer Giulia Lai.

«We have carried out some investigations – said the lawyer Mele – furthermore important information has arrived thanks to the activities carried out by the family members, to the appeals launched which have allowed us to have important news. These clues may be useful to the Prosecutor’s Office to reopen the case.”

In particular, the lawyers presented three requests: «We want an investigation into the murder of unknown persons – specifies the lawyer Lai – we asked that the body be exhumed to carry out a new autopsy and verify some elements that emerged which had not been revealed last time detailed, such as the marks found on the neck. Then a judicial experiment was requested regarding the injuries found on the victim’s body which were not compatible with a fall from a height of 35 metres”. In practice, it was requested that the fall be simulated using a particular dummy.

In the coming weeks the Prosecutor’s Office will decide how to proceed. Meanwhile, Elisabetta, Anna and Gioele Murgia, Manuela’s sisters and brother, continue to fight and hope soon to learn the truth about her sister’s death.


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