Deputy Mayor Francesconi: “We will continue to support the important activity of Anpana Lucca. I am launching an appeal for the recruitment of volunteers’

Deputy Mayor Francesconi: “We will continue to support the important activity of Anpana Lucca. I am launching an appeal for the recruitment of volunteers’
Deputy Mayor Francesconi: “We will continue to support the important activity of Anpana Lucca. I am launching an appeal for the recruitment of volunteers’

“For many years, Anpana Lucca has played a crucial role in our territory and that of the Lucca plain in the rescue and rehabilitation of numerous animals in difficulty, in particular chicks of birds, broods and small wild animals, representing a point of reference essential for animal welfare in the area, and for this reason it is important to support its activity”.
This is what the vice mayor with responsibility for animal protection, Matteo Francesconi, says after the association suspended its activity for a few days due to the presence of some problems and the lack of volunteers and who just today announced to resume the important service in the recovery of orphaned chicks and small wild animals in the municipalities of Capannori, Lucca and Porcari.
“For many years our administration has concretely supported the precious activity of this naturalistic association, which is not limited to saving small animals, but also works for their rehabilitation, in collaboration with the Cruma of Livorno, through an existing agreement, which we will renew immediately after its expiry – continues Francesconi -. One of the problems that is putting Anpana in difficulty is the lack of volunteers, so I intend to launch an appeal, so that those who love animals and the environment give their availability to collaborate with the association, allowing it to continue in the best possible way of its fundamental activity of safeguarding small animals and the environment”.
For information and recovery calls you can contact Anpana Lucca on 366 2780347.

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