Basilicata Municipal House on Telesca’s election as mayor of Potenza – Radio Senise Centrale

Basilicata Municipal House on Telesca’s election as mayor of Potenza – Radio Senise Centrale
Basilicata Municipal House on Telesca’s election as mayor of Potenza – Radio Senise Centrale

With spirits finally relieved by the comforting news regarding the health of our dear Angelo Chiorazzo, the political control room of Basilicata Casa Comune met again.

Many social and political issues highlighted especially in such a delicate historical moment.

The recent approval of the bill on differentiated autonomy, in fact, is yet another demonstration of how necessary it is to rediscover the reasons for a renewed participation of citizens in political life.

The absence of participation, in fact, can only corroborate that famous saying that “when you don’t deal with politics, politics takes care of you”… and it doesn’t necessarily do it at its best!

And in this case, in the case of a wicked differentiated regionalism that will do nothing but fuel divisions, differences and disparities of… better or better there is absolutely nothing!

The stability of the country is being put to the test.

The social cohesion on which the sense and meaning of a national community can and must be built is put to the test.

The very dignity of the citizens of southern Italy is put to the test and once again they seem to be considered only a “burden” for some.

Basilicata Casa Comune was born to put those principles of solidarity, equality and subsidiarity contemplated in the social doctrine of the Church and shared in our young journey with many parts of civil society back at the center of political life and for this we will work with every means (even with the collection signatures for the repeal referendum) to prevent the country from dividing.

The CEI itself specified in a note last May that “the country will not grow unless together”.
Together is, for us, the only true watchword in a community, even a national one.
Difference, in this case however, is a word capable of becoming only synonymous with division.

However, we are comforted and give us hope by the great victory for the Municipality of Potenza which was achieved “together” between the different souls of the city’s civil and reformist society.

The election of Vincenzo Telesca as Mayor to which we contributed with our list and with our symbol, which reached over 7% of the votes in the first round, seems to suggest to us that the path of unity is the main path to be pursued and to practise.

We are certain that a path of authentic and credible political innovation will be able to begin from the Municipality of Potenza, which will certainly interest the citizens of Lucania.

However, we are disheartened to witness yet another postponement of the Regional Council.

An unedifying behavior which only highlights that the political balance for this majority, today even more precarious due to the defeat in the Municipality of Potenza, seems to be more important than the guarantee of government owed to the citizens of Lucania.

The last legislature ended but this new one, unfortunately, begins using the same methods as the last five years.

A period of great work awaits us then.

We feel the responsibility of building a recognized and recognizable political alternative and we are committed to doing so with dedication and sincere civil passion.

Lindo Monaco (Basilicata Municipality House coordinator)
Fausto Santangelo (President of Basilicata Municipal House)

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