Cosenza, Corso Vittorio Emanuele could not be reopened to cars and pedestrians. Closure order issued

COSENZA – Incredible but true, Corso Vittorio Emanuele must be closed again because the safety measures have not been completed with the installation of landslide monitoring systems and instruments. Last June 12th, complete with municipal representation led by Mayor Caruso, councilors and members of the majority, it had been reopened to traffic after almost six years of closure due to a landslide, Corso Vittorio Emanuele in the Portapiana district. The Municipality has repeatedly assured that the works have been completed, with the safety of the stretch of road and that they were among those planned by the Administration for the mitigation of the risk of landslides in the historic center and in the hamlets.

All’s well that ends well? Absolutely not, given that that road could not be reopened.”as the conditions for the opening of via Vittorio Emanuele II do not yet exist, in the absence of devices and instrumentation for pre-announcement of landslide phenomena which do not guarantee public safety and in the absence of technical-administrative testing or completion report and conformity which certifies its regular installation according to the project”. This is what is written in black and white in an ordinance from director of Sector 11 Antonella Rino (among other things also RUP of the intervention until 02.05.2024) which in fact canceled the order of June 12th with which the acting manager had disregarded what Rino herself had expressly established on more than one occasion, allowing the reopening of the road.

The end of work and compliance report is missing

It’s all about rirequest for revocation of the 2019 civil protection sector management order who in fact closed the Portapiana street following the landslide. Once that ordinance was revoked, the road could be reopened. But in response to this request, the manager of Sector 11, on 10 June, had technically justified “the impossibility of proceeding with the revocation request“, as the safety intervention is not completed, “still lacking the installation of the instrumentation, also foreseen in the project, for remote control using special sensors, essential elements of safety and, therefore, prodromal to the opening of the road, exposed to rockfall from the slope of Colle Pancrazio.

A circumstance which, moreover, prevents the Administrative technical testing (i.e. End of work and compliance report) for the lack of instrumentation for the pre-announcement and monitoring foreseen in the project, upon completion of the hydrogeological risk mitigation intervention. The same manager, having had to be absent for a few days for personal reasons, had left an express instruction to this effect “reaffirming the need for instrumentation for pre-announcement and the monitoring of the landslide phenomenon classifiable as collapsetherefore with sudden characteristics of triggering and evolution, in the absence of which the protection of public safety would not have been achievedalso expressly invoked in the note signed by the Secretary General”.

“Need for completion of the missing warning system envisaged in the project”

Furthermore, the same manager, “following a telephone conversation, having learned that, contrary to the decisions communicated by her with note 50941 of 10.06.2024, in her capacity as substitute for the undersigned, absent on holiday, she was preparing a management order for revocation of the previous n. 45/2019” ordered with a real Service Order, “not to proceed with the formalization of the same for the reasons contained in the aforementioned note dated 10.06.24. In essence it continues to be reiterated the need to complete the warning system envisaged in the project in its missing state, before proceeding with the reopening of the road systembeing the pre-announcement system an integral part of road safety that it is intended to achieve, cannot be replaced by any measure of periodic visual inspection by employees or by any other measure”.

And instead, disregarding what was established, the 2019 ordinance was revoked allowing the reopening of Corso Vittorio Emanuele to traffic and pedestrians “delegating the Municipal Police Command to carry out the checks prescribed in the Ordinance on a daily basis, in the absence of the expected instrumental project control”. But the same Municipal Police Command had detected the technical incompetence and the inability to carry out the checks prescribed in the Ordinance on a daily basis by the PM commandalso detailing “the foreseeable operational difficulty of the visual control required and highlighting the need to modify the Ordinance in the part of the aforementioned prescriptions addressed to the PM Command”

“The danger of collapses remains”

The manager’s closure order highlights that the monitoring system envisaged in the project plays a fundamental role in ensuring safety and mitigating the risk for the particular type of landslide phenomena to be classified as Collapses cwhich, unlike landslides, due to the suddenness that characterizes them, do not provide any warning signs that can be recorded visually”.

The serious event that occurred on 16.12.2019 still suggests the possibility of further detachments of stone material placed at the foundation of the castle’s surrounding wall, which had already disintegrated, and from the medieval era tower with inconsistent stone material and in unstable equilibrium, all artefacts subject to archaeological restrictions”. And yet that “At present, the paramount interest in the protection of public safety does not appear to be adequately protectedtaking into account the lack of technical-administrative testing due to the absence of the preparations and supplies envisaged in the project, such as the system for pre-announcing sudden and unexpected events such as the collapse of stone material from the slope of Colle Pancrazio jutting out onto Via Vittorio Emanuele IIcapable of predicting the most significant and dangerous falls of material.”

Since the conditions for the opening of the road via Vittorio Emanuele II do not exist at the time of the issuing of the aforementioned Ordinance and to date, in the absence of devices and instruments for warning of landslide phenomena which do not guarantee the protection of public safety and in the absence of administrative technical testing or completion of works and conformity report which certifies the regular installation according to the project, specifying that the conditions, circumstances and orders already given with Management Ordinances no. continue to remain valid. 45/2019 and n. 46/2019″.

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