PD Marche on the outcome of the elections in Recanati, Osimo and Urbino

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The Secretary of the PD Marche Chantal Bomprezzi comments on the outcome of the latest electoral round in the Marche after the results of the runoffs.

“In Recanati between the first and second rounds, a newfound unity unfortunately did not allow the initial divisions to be repaired. A ‘miracle’ was achieved in Urbino, after 10 years and with the outgoing mayor, a competitive coalition gave it a hard time until the last vote. Let’s not squander Scaramucci’s experience. Excellent work by the coalition in Osimo, already in the last two elections the result came close to the wire. The total alliance of the right, leaning on the Region, allowed him to overtake us at the photo finish. They were three difficult challenges and for this I thank our candidates Glorio, Bravi and Scaramucci and their teams for the great work done”.

“These elections – continues Bomprezzi – show us that we win where we are united. We win where good governance and unity allow us to be competitive. For this reason we must insist on broad alliances, building a great center-left that reaches up to the more moderate forces. The European and local elections show us that there are all the conditions for a credible alternative, and the PD’s numbers confirm this in the country and even more so in the Marche region. In this sense, the Regional Unity Festival will be a key event to rally our community and strengthen our alliances” concluded the Secretary of the Democratic Party of the Marche.

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