Emilia Romagna model also for Pozzuoli: appeal to Minister Musumeci to save the economy from bradyseism

Emilia Romagna model also for Pozzuoli: appeal to Minister Musumeci to save the economy from bradyseism
Emilia Romagna model also for Pozzuoli: appeal to Minister Musumeci to save the economy from bradyseism

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Pozzuoli. Stop tributes, taxes and mortgages for traders in Pozzuoli affected by bradyseism, in line with what has been done for the flooded areas of Emilia Romagna; contributions for the transfer of activities to earthquake-proof premises; compensation for expenses for property owners called for structural interventions and for lost income caused by the flight of tenants after last month’s heavy earthquake swarm. These are just some of the proposals addressed by Europa Verde Pozzuoli to the Minister for Civil Protection, Nello Musumeci, and to the Government which is strongly requested to introduce a specific Earthquake Bonus or a similar system, “dedicated to the needs of Pozzuoli, which provides for even total financing of the expenses incurred for the safety of the buildings” and to “not leave behind the fundamental economic sectors of the city, such as markets, fishing, catering, tourism and trade, in general, who create and distribute wealth to the community”.

«No one must be left alone, we must give a strong and concrete signal to the people of Puteola who must be guided and supported in this very delicate moment characterized by numerous uncertainties – is the appeal of the councilor for productive activities Titti Zazzaro – We don’t have to live day by day or be overwhelmed by events, we need strong and concrete measures. Trade cannot and must not die, it is essential not to repeat the mistakes made in the 80s when bradyseism gave rise to the great escape and the destruction of the social and economic fabric of the city. Today we, strengthened by that experience, are asking for tangible intervention from the Government as was done in Emilia Romagna with the suspension of taxes and mortgages. Furthermore – concludes Zazzaro – we appeal to everyone’s common sense regarding the narration of the phenomenon which must be done in a serious, reliable manner and above all without dangerous spectacularisations which only generate false alarmism».

In the document, also addressed to the mayor of Pozzuoli Gigi Manzoni and to the parliamentary representatives of the environmentalist party, a widespread intervention is also requested throughout the territory, aimed at every segment of citizenship, as in the case of professionals and small entrepreneurs who have not suffered the eviction but who have seen their turnover drastically reduced: for them a reduction in the tax burden of at least 50% is assumed, with a monthly economic contribution such as to be able to tolerate expenses no longer balanced by adequate income. All supported by forms of psychological and material assistance and by continuous monitoring of the needs of citizens through the activation of listening desks located in strategic points of the city, where the various needs can be recorded so as to be able to manage them in the best possible way.

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