«The Municipality has cut the budget for “relief vouchers”»

The Piacenza provincial coordinators ofAssociation of Large Families of Piacenza, Mariano Aliberti and Maria Invernici, firmly denounce the decision of the Municipality of Piacenza to launch a tender called “Relief Voucher” with an economic coverage of only 65 thousand euros, i.e. 10 thousand euros less than in previous years. «This reduction – they explain – is unacceptable for the large families of our city and represents a clear signal of how the Municipality, despite its good intentions, continues not to invest in the family».

«We remember well how during the council discussion on the membership of the Municipality of Piacenza to the “Family Friendly Municipality” network – which would have brought significant economic and organizational advantages – the proposal was rejected despite the favorable opinion of the mayor Katia Tarasconi and the councilor to social policies Nicoletta Corvi. On that occasion, councilor Stefano Cugini (ApP) voted against and promoted this vote, stating that Piacenza was already at the forefront regarding family policies. However, the family policies of recent years have completely disavowed this statement, also denied by Istat, which places Piacenza in 77th place out of 104 municipalities in terms of policies and quality of life for the 0-3 age group”.

«The Istat survey – continues the association – confirms what we have been denouncing for years: the very high cost of school canteens, the lack of sufficient nursery schools for all families, the lack of paediatricians and, finally, we also add what is not represented in this investigation: the failure to introduce the sports voucher for children of needy and large families for the year 2023 and to make the situation even worse, the services entrusted to volunteers for and after school were also removed by the Municipality. Now, if families wish to reintroduce these services, they face additional costs ranging between 20 and 50 euros per month per child. This represents a further economic burden for families already burdened by other expenses, let alone for a large family.”

«These elements – insist the representatives of the association – clearly demonstrate that Piacenza does not invest in the family and does not care about the well-being of its children. It is time for the municipal administration to take note of these problems and act concretely to improve the quality of life of Piacenza families. Words and promises are not enough: we need real facts and investments.

The Large Families association of Piacenza expresses its profound disappointment and asks for a concrete commitment from the local authorities. We cannot continue to tolerate cuts to family funding while the costs of living and the needs of our children increase. Piacenza must do more and better for its families. We ask for an urgent meeting with Mayor Tarasconi on family issues and we are ready to take to the streets to reveal all our distress.”

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