Milan, appeal against the new stadium in San Donato: first round won at the TAR

Milan, appeal against the new stadium in San Donato: first round won at the TAR
Milan, appeal against the new stadium in San Donato: first round won at the TAR

The first act on the appeal presented against the new stadium is not successful Milan to San Donato. The Rossoneri emerge victorious from this first round, knocking out the 13 dissident citizens of – precisely – San Donato and Chiaravalle, supported by the committee “No Stadium in San Donato Milanese“.

Obviously it doesn’t end here, the goal that the Rossoneri’s opponents want to achieve is to “request the annulment of the acts adopted by the municipal administration in favor of the construction of the Milan stadium in the San Francesco area in San Donato Milanese“, as reported by colleagues at Football and Finance.

The sentence of TAR she then expressed herself in favor of the Rossoneri club with the following words:

The exponents are residents in the Municipality of San Donato Milanese (MI) and with the appeal in the epigraph they have challenged the documents relating to an urban planning variant of a sporting nature and an implementation plan for the construction of a new sports facility, namely the AC Milan stadium . The appeal contains a request to show a series of documents relating to the aforementioned intervention. The Municipality has stated several times that it has already made the documentation requested by them available to some of the appellants; however, since this is a very copious documentation, the Administration has set up a special “Link” which can be accessed to read the documents and their attachments. This “Link” is included in the Municipality’s defense briefs, most recently the one filed in view of the hearing on 18.6.2024. In this regard, remember that the request for document access has as its object exclusively documents that are in the possession of the Administration and cannot in any case be transformed into a sort of control of administrative operations nor can it force the Administration itself to form new acts. The Regional Administrative Court for Lombardy (Second Section) therefore declares the access request contained in the appeal in the epigraph inadmissible“.

New Milan San Donato stadium
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