“Moving children from the Ellera school: Viale Trento is the only solution, but there is nothing definitive…”

Viterbo – Municipality – Councilor Antoniozzi (School) comes out into the open in the council, pressed by Troncarelli (Pd) and Achilli (FdI) – Confusion among the parents present in the council – There are no alternatives but no decision has been taken

by Giuseppe Ferlicca

Viterbo – “Viale Trento is the only solution and even if it is not the one we dream of, we have not found any others”. Movement of around 250 children from the Ellera school to the premises bordering the library consortium, councilor Alfonso Antoniozzi (School), urged by Matteo Achilli (FdI) and Alessandra Troncarelli (Pd) reiterates what now appears clear.

Viterbo – Ellera school move – Parents in the city council

Although not appreciated by everyone, the temporary location, barring unlikely last minute solutions, will be that.

There have been meetings, delegations of parents, but if everyone agrees on the need to carry out interventions at the Ellera headquarters, there is decidedly less unanimity on where to move in the meantime.

Yesterday, a group of the children’s families met in council, but they left with the same certainties with which they entered. Few.

“250 children – explains Achilli – in Viale Trento, an almost abandoned area, with critical traffic conditions during rush hours and a social situation that causes concern. You have not been able to find an alternative solution.” So a series of doubts about safety, the presence of all the requirements of the chosen premises. Because as Troncarelli replies, the protection of children and families comes first.

“If there are no alternatives – asks Troncarelli – if it has to be viale Trento, I ask for guarantees and safety for good school performance, for children and families and that inconveniences be reduced to a minimum. Some actions to alleviate the difficulties exist and have been anticipated, such as the vigilant grandfather outside the school, public order and then the search for open spaces for physical activity”.

Between the two opposition councillors, there is also room for an extracurricular back-and-forth. Troncarelli participated in the meetings with parents in recent days, but FdI did not. There was the electoral campaign for the European elections with Antonella Sberna, as recalled by Achilli. “Was Sberna’s electoral campaign more important, more important to show up the next day?”. Divergences. Having closed the parenthesis, another doubt remains. “Has the rental contract been signed?”. Achilli asks himself this.

“The head teacher has let parents know that 12 classes will be moved to the central headquarters and 14 to Viale Trento, as communicated by the municipality”. Yet, so far no signature has been placed on any contract.

“I was amazed – replies Antoniozzi – that the manager identified a building in that way, definitively. There was no official communication, I was also amazed.”

It always revolves around the same point, there don’t seem to be any alternatives, almost certainly the 250 children will go to Viale Trento, but in black and white, still zero.

“At present – ​​replies Antoniozzi – no contract has been stipulated, we are late in dealing with the families. Viale Trento, although it is not the solution we dreamed of, is the only one. We’ve asked everyone, if you have other options, let us know, but quickly. The other option, in via Cardarelli, aside from the fact that it needed work, the owners were asking us for a five-year lease. Not very convenient.

In Viale Trento, interventions are being studied on the road network and beyond, to make travel less impactful.

I would like to point out that we are intervening in five schools, projects started by the previous administration, without the related temporary solutions having been indicated”. There is a reason: “We thought we would stay – replies Laura Allegrini (FdI) councilor for public works with Arena mayor – and not leave the problem to her”. Uncertainties of the political profession.

On Viale Trento, his successor Stefano Floris sees it differently: “It is not an abandoned area, the premises border the library and there are already contacts for initiatives to carry forward, for the road system we are thinking of making a one-way street on Viale Trento and a quick rest area in front of the premises to drop off children.

Work is about to start, which will not impact the people passing through the area, on the left side of the avenue, to create more car parks. This is to counter allegations of social hardship linked to people who camp out.”

In short, nothing has been decided on Viale Trento but it seems that everything has now been decided. Or maybe not. Maybe. “The parents are more confused than before – concludes Troncarelli in his reply – but if this is the solution, why didn’t you leave immediately? And if another possibility arises, through the Argo portal, this time we will involve all the families”. Before the bell rings.

Giuseppe Ferlicca

June 21, 2024

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