San Luca: after the anti-mafia commission, here is the access commission

«Total inertia» and the president of the anti-mafia commission, Chiara Colosimo, announces the arrival in San Luca of the commission for access to documents after the decline of the mayor Bruno Bartolo’s administration.

SAN LUCA (REGGIO CALABRIA) – On the historic day of the parliamentary anti-mafia commission in San Luca the official announcement arrives: the commission for access to documents will arrive in the municipality of Aspromonte. This was announced by the president of the Anti-Mafia Commission, Chiara Colosimo. «The Ministry of the Interior – she said – has given the prefect of Reggio Calabria the possibility of establishing the access commission in this Municipality».

Therefore, three members of the commission for access to documents will arrive in San Luca. They have the task of sifting through all the administrative acts carried out by the municipal administration of the now former mayor of San Luca, Bruno Bartolo. The administration of the now former mayor, whose natural mandate expired in June 2024, came after nine years of prefectural management. At the moment, the municipality of San Luca has been governed by the prefectural commissioner since 11 June 2024 after the failure to present lists.


«What emerges from the administration of this country – said Colosimo – is a total inertia in all the salient and important facts of public administration. From the sewerage system to the water system, arriving at lighting, up to quite surreal stories that concern the marked area in front of the sanctuary of the Madonna di Polsi. We chose to come here following the umpteenth time in which free elections in this municipality were not held.” Said the president of the Anti-Mafia Commission, in a quick press conference.
In fact, journalists were only able to ask three questions in total. To the fourth question on the “Ducale” investigation of the DDA of Reggio Calabria, President Chiara Colosimo he chose to answer halfway. «We do not comment on ongoing investigations», specifying «this one which concerns Reggio Calabria is also under the attention of the parliamentary commission». The Ducale operation sees Giuseppe Falcomatà (mayor of Reggio Calabria), Giuseppe Neri (FdI, regional council group leader) and Francesco Sera (Pd, municipal councilor of Reggio Calabria) investigated.

At the presidential table, sitting on the right side of President Colosimo, was the prefect of Reggio Calabria Clara Vaccaro, while on her left was the prosecutor of Reggio Calabria Bombardieri. Also at the table were the other members of the commission and the institutions who were heard in the commission. There were the Reggio police commissioner Salvatore La Rosa, the provincial commanders of the Carabinieri, General Totaro and of the Financial Police General Maurizio Cintura, and the head of the Dia center Colonel Mario Intelisano and the prosecutor of the Republic of Locri, Giuseppe Casciaro.


This is the concept clearly expressed by President Colosimo. «If the State exists, another path can be chosen. We – he said – would like the stories of those women who, with their desperate love, saved their children from crime to become known.
We are here – he continued – because the parliamentary anti-mafia commission will not make this visit an advert. With this visit we will provide constant presence and help to a territory that must remove that label which unfortunately has led San Luca to be the “mother” of many “local” children who are around Italy and the world”.
A negative label that can also be contained in that road sign with the writing “San Luca” riddled by several gunshots in the nineties. Road sign that has been placed in the police station for years now. And it was right there, in front of that symbol that President Colosimo and the anti-mafia parliamentary commission chose to take a souvenir photo. But before leaving San Luca, the FdI parliamentarian also wanted a souvenir photo with the carabinieri of the San Luca barracks. The only representatives of the State present in the Aspromontese country who work every day for the protection of citizens and also of the State itself. The bouquet of flowers left on the tombstone in memory of Brigadier Carmine Tripodi closed the day in San Lucco for the members of the parliamentary anti-mafia commission.

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