A solution arrives from the Municipality of Pescara for the girl with 3 children left homeless

A solution arrives from the Municipality of Pescara for the girl with 3 children left homeless
A solution arrives from the Municipality of Pescara for the girl with 3 children left homeless

Good news arrives from the social policy sector of the Municipality of Pescara regarding the story of the girl who is an Italian citizen and of Dominican origins, who was left homeless with three dependent children, one of whom was a newborn and hospitalized for health problems. The young woman has been assisted in recent days by the Dominicans in Abruzzo association which paid for a hotel at its own expense while waiting for a solution to be found by the local authorities involved. The problem, in fact, is that the girl lived in Montesilvano but without a registered domicile, and her residence is in Pescara.

A response therefore came from the Municipality:

“The Municipality of Pescara has identified accommodation for the new mother of Dominican origin who was lovingly assisted by the Dominicans in Abruzzo association because she was left without accommodation, with two minor children, one of whom was just born. The solution was shared with the woman, who recently gave birth and will be able to bring the newborn, another child and her mother with her. She will be placed in a facility in the province of Chieti which will welcome her in the next few days.

For women, therefore, a period of greater tranquility awaits, having the possibility of accessing a series of benefits recognized for people in fragile conditions. The circle is closed positively, thanks to the timely and fruitful intervention of the social policy sector of the Municipality which has constantly followed the personal and housing affairs of the woman (whose case has been known to social workers since 2023) and who was recently domiciled in Montesilvano. Furthermore, the Municipality of Pescara has already intervened in the past to support it, as it has also done in recent days, proceeding in agreement with the Local Health Authority. The intention of the Social Service has always been to guarantee a stable, safe and lasting solution to the woman, also in order to protect her children, recomposing the family. The clarification is a must given that the social services of the Municipality of Pescara have given all the answers to the woman and found a housing solution even though she is not domiciled in Pescara.”

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