Giusi Princi’s wish for graduates: “Face this challenge with courage”

Giusi Princi’s wish for graduates: “Face this challenge with courage”
Giusi Princi’s wish for graduates: “Face this challenge with courage”

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Vice Presidency – Catanzaro, 19/06/2024

“On the occasion of the next state exams, I would like to send heartfelt wishes to all of you graduating seniors who are preparing to cross the threshold of this important milestone”.

Thus begins the letter that Giusi Princi, vice-president of the Regional Council with responsibility for Education, newly elected to the European Parliament, addresses to graduating students.

“The final exams represent a delicate and crucial moment in your life, marking the conclusion of a five-year period full of educational experiences, deep relationships and personal growth. It is the culmination of a journey that has seen you transform from adolescents to young adults, enriched emotionally, relationally and cognitively. Approach this challenge as an extraordinary opportunity to look ahead and plan your future. Bring with you the teachings, skills, study method and love for knowledge that your teachers have passed on to you; they will be your most precious allies. Face the days ahead with self-confidence, giving your all in every test and putting in your best effort.”

Giusi Princi, with words of encouragement, reassures the students: “Remember that you are not alone: ​​the exam commissioners will work to create a welcoming, serene and motivating environment, where each of you will be able to express your full potential. The internal professors, who have accompanied you on this journey, know your abilities and your commitment, while the external ones will enrich the evaluation with their experience and objectivity. Merit, the result of your commitment and dedication throughout your school career, will be what counts in the end.”

“My hope – continues the vice president – ​​is that this can be for each of you, not a point of arrival, but of departure: the springboard towards a journey that will lead you to discover the world, to chase your dreams and realize your ambitions. For my part, in my new role as a European parliamentarian, in line with what I have done so far as vice-president of the Regional Council with responsibility for Education, together with President Occhiuto, I will continue to support you, to support the world of school, so that you can have the opportunity to build your future in a Calabria that lives up to your dreams and your skills”.

“Nelson Mandela said: “A winner is only a dreamer who has never given up”. Take this motto as a source of inspiration – concludes Vice President Princi – face this challenge with courage, embrace the future with confidence and do not be afraid to explore new paths and new possibilities!”.

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