Matera weather, the forecast for tomorrow Thursday 20 June

Thursday 20 June in Matera promises to be a day characterized by stable and sunny weather conditions. The forecast indicate clear skies for the entire day, with cloud cover remaining around 0%. Temperatures will rise sharply compared to previous days, with maximum values ​​that may exceed +38°C during the central hours of the day.

In the early hours of the morning, starting at night hours, you can expect a temperature around +25°C, with a light breeze coming from the North – North West and a wind speed that will remain around 10km/h. Humidity will be around 30%, while atmospheric pressure will be 1017hPa.

As the morning hours, the thermometer will rise rapidly, with values ​​that may exceed +36°C in the central hours of the day. The wind will increase slightly in intensity, with gusts that can reach 22km/h coming from the North – North East. The humidity will remain around 18%, while the atmospheric pressure will be stable at 1016hPa.

During afternoonmaximum temperatures will be around +38°C, with a stiff breeze that can reach 29.5km/h coming from the North – North East. Humidity will increase slightly up to 19%, while atmospheric pressure will remain constant at 1015hPa.

In the evening, temperatures will drop slightly, but will remain quite high, with values ​​around +27°C. The wind will blow from the North with a speed of around 34.1km/h, creating a stiff breeze. Humidity will increase up to 36%, while atmospheric pressure will stand at 1017hPa.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Thursday 20 June in Matera they indicate a hot and sunny day, with high temperatures and moderate winds. It is advisable to pay attention to high temperatures and protect yourself adequately from the sun’s rays. For the next few days, stable and sunny weather conditions are expected to remain stable, with temperatures that could remain high.

All the weather data for Thursday 20 June in Matera

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