Meeting on public transport, Miccichè’s regret: “Union absent”

The management of the local public transport service was discussed during a meeting at the Municipality of Agrigento in the office of the vice mayor Aurelio Trupia. In addition to the latter, the mayor Francesco Miccichè, the councilors Gerlando Principato and Carmelo Cantone, the architect Salvatore Di Salvo as Rup, the manager of sector V Alberto Avenia, of the Civil Protection Attilio Sciara, the representatives of Tua ( the company that manages urban transport) Samuela Scelfo and Riccardo Bigotti. The meeting also arose from reports of disservices by the USB union (Basic Private Work Union).

Disservices of Tua, unions on a war footing: sit-in in front of the Municipality

“Local public transport – declared Mayor Miccichè – constitutes a primary service for which we have never omitted attention and commitment to solving any critical issues and inconveniences. Despite the formally extended invitation and requests for explanations, no member of the USB union took part in today’s meeting. We express our regret for this absence as we believe the contribution of all parties is essential for a constructive and transparent discussion. We reiterate our constant commitment to maintaining open channels of dialogue and collaboration and remain confident that more active participation can be ensured on future occasions. Our willingness to organize further meetings to explore the topics in question remains unchanged. We have been working for some time to complete the process relating to the new tender, faithfully adhering to the relevant community legislation. And the procedure will be completed as soon as possible, in less time than in other Sicilian municipalities. Everything is focused on maximum transparency and concertation to protect the quality of the service, the workers and the interests of the citizens”.

Previously, the regional Codacons had also taken an interest in the issue, making it known that, after having repeatedly taken an interest in the problems of the public urban transport service of the Municipality of Agrigento and after having denounced the illegitimacy of the extension of the contract to Tua Trasporti, it would have joined the demonstration organized by the USB union. The protest will be held on June 20, from 10 am onwards, in front of the city palace.

“The USB union – declared Peppe Di Rosa of Codacons – expressed concerns regarding the numerous inefficiencies found in the public transport service managed by the Tua company. Despite a letter sent to the municipal administration on March 22, containing details on various critical issues, the response from the authorities is still missing. These inefficiencies compromise the efficiency, dignity and accessibility of the service, worsening an already difficult situation that has afflicted public transport in Agrigento for years.

The measures taken so far by the municipal administration, according to Usb, have been insufficient and have not resolved the contractual critical issues that prevent citizens from guaranteeing the right to mobility and the necessary protections for workers. The municipal administration, during the Council, admitted some of these violations but has not yet taken adequate measures to resolve them.

Codacons shares the union’s concerns regarding the deafening silence of the Miccichè administration, which is busy with other matters rather than responding to the requests posed by the union organisation. It is essential that Mayor Miccichè and the entire municipal administration provide concrete answers to citizens and workers by clarifying the future of Tua and Agrigento’s public transport service, an essential service that guarantees citizens’ right to mobility.

Codacons invites all citizens to participate in the sit-in protest to support the demand for efficient and dignified public transport. The municipal administration must assume its responsibilities and guarantee a public transport service that lives up to the expectations of the Agrigento community”.

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