President Parenti at the “Specchio”: “Enhance every voice of the territory”

President Parenti at the “Specchio”: “Enhance every voice of the territory”
President Parenti at the “Specchio”: “Enhance every voice of the territory”

The future of the Piacenza industry was discussed in the twenty-third episode of “Lo Specchio di Piacenza”, a format created and hosted by the director Nicoletta Bracchi. Guest will be the new president of Confindustria Piacenza, Nicola Parenti. The appointment represented a special opportunity to get to know the new leader of industrialists better and define his visions and listen to his projects.

relatives of confindustria Piacenza tell their story

An immediate tribute to his predecessor: “I would sign to be able to do what Francesco Rolleri did. He knew how to listen to everyone with great balance and dedication. Confindustria Piacenza grew considerably under his leadership. Today it represents 24 thousand employees with 500 associated companies, which make up 80 percent of the manufacturing companies in the Region”. For Parenti, 52 years old, with two children, Camilla and Alberto, with another on the way, true renewal comes through the support of a strong and cohesive team: “Essentially a group that feels a sense of belonging and is aware of our centrality, as an association, and of the specific weight of the choices we make. We need to have people of great depth and competence around us, capable of carrying forward the objectives of the association.”

the Confindustria Piacenza team

“I have carefully chosen my vice-presidents, selecting figures who not only share my values, but who are also able to bring new ideas and, above all, innovative solutions into the discussion, from Valter Alberici to Erika Colla to Lorenzo Marchi up to Maria Angela Spezia and Alessandro Squeri”. This approach is aimed at guaranteeing dynamic and far-sighted leadership, ready to face contemporary challenges while always keeping the well-being and development of the territory at the centre. «I take everyone’s requests into consideration, not just my sector. The challenges are numerous and complex, but I firmly believe that with the strength of commitment and collaboration we can overcome them”.

listen to every voice of the Piacenza area

“It is essential to think about the territory in an integrated way, considering not only economic development but also environmental sustainability and the social context. My vision is that of a territory in which every voice is heard and valued, where the needs of different communities come together to create a project of shared growth. I believe in the solidity of dialogue and cooperation, key steps to promote balanced and lasting progress.” The key points that will guide his mandate are: innovation, sustainability, workplace safety, internationalization and space for growth. “Our goal, mine and my team’s,” adds the president, “is to support small local companies and support them in the development of operations that may include new partnerships, sales or acquisitions. This support process is essential to create a critical mass that keeps the entire supply chain competitive in the area. Innovation and artificial intelligence are fundamental elements, adopting new technologies involves significant costs, not only for implementation, but also for training the people who will use them. However, it is important to emphasize that AI should be seen as a valuable tool, not a threat. We offer resources and support to help businesses reach their full potential. This includes access to cutting-edge technology, ongoing training and networking opportunities.”

energy problem at will

“The energy problem remains a major concern – underlines Parenti – it is the second manufacturing nation in Europe, but unfortunately it suffers from very high energy prices. In fact, we pay around 30% more for energy than Spain, Germany and France. This disparity has a significant impact on the competitiveness of our companies. However, we have the opportunity to face this challenge by focusing on renewable energy and self-consumption. We cannot afford to say no to solutions such as wind turbines and photovoltaic panels”.

history of relatives in confindustria

Parenti’s cursus honorum in Confindustria began in 1999, in the Youth Group, subsequently he held the roles of councilor and vice-president. The entrepreneur from Piacenza cites the example of his father, engineer Giuseppe Parenti, historic founder of Paver: “From him I learned many concrete lessons that have shaped my entrepreneurial vision. Among these, credibility, sense of duty and dedication to daily work. For the growth of a future entrepreneur, it is essential to diversify experiences and travel. After graduating from Cattolica in 1996, I chose to explore new opportunities abroad to better understand what my path was. All opportunities, although not always simple, which have proven crucial for the person and professional I am today.”

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