‘Risks also for young people, limit outdoor activity during the hottest hours’

‘Risks also for young people, limit outdoor activity during the hottest hours’
‘Risks also for young people, limit outdoor activity during the hottest hours’

Entering the heart of summer, with temperatures rising and the arrival of the first heat wave which will also affect Florence and Tuscany, some arrive advice and recommendations from the Medical Association of Florence.

“It is important to protect yourself from heat waves limiting outdoor activity during the hottest hours, from 11am to 5pm. For children and the elderly in particular, avoid playing and walking during the hottest hours. But even young people must limit physical activity and running during very hot hours. For everyone, favor shaded places or ventilated environments”, says Elisabetta Alti, vice president of the Medical Association of Florence.

“Even those who are at the seaside must remember not to expose themselves to the sun during the hottest hours and, in any case, to Always protect yourself with sunscreen with at least 30 protection – underlines Dr. Alti – Put on the protective cream every morning and repeat the application often”.

Avoid being outdoors during the hottest hours and protect your skin, but Also pay attention to hydration and avoid sudden changes in temperature. “Hydrate a lot, especially elderly people and children must increase their water intake as it increases sweating – advises the vice-president of the Medical Association of Florence – Ventilate the rooms, open the windows in the early morning and in the evening, use fans , turn on the air conditioners but without reaching 17-18°, instead keep them at 23-25°. However, never subject yourself to sudden changes in temperature. The same advice applies when you get into the car: don’t set the air conditioner to too low temperatures when you’re hot.”

Some advice also on nutrition and the use of drugs: “With regards to nutrition eat fruit and vegetables, limit very fatty sauces and fried foods, abolish alcohol consumption which could cause dehydration – recalls Dr. Alti – Furthermore, for people who take medications it is advisable to keep their therapies unchanged, especially people taking blood pressure medications. We do not reduce our therapies in the belief that in the heat the pressure lowers anyway. Let’s check it several times a day, increase the water intake but don’t reduce the therapies until after consulted the doctor”.

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